Chapter Twenty Six- Whoopsie

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My father and the counsel were assembled, the chatter as I walked in with Sycamore was hushed and serious.

"Princess Rowan" Reed acknowledged as all counsel stood to greet me from the table.

"You may sit" I respond, walking around to my empty seat opposite my father.

Sycamore stands at my side and observes.

"What is the situation" I ask curiously.

My father gestures to the map of Olamoore spread out on the table. "Everything in Olamoore that was working with magic as its energy source...died twenty minutes ago. A black out of all magic, and the most concerning part...the veil was down. We were visible, accessible and vulnerable for just shy of four minutes"

"Is this a calculated attack from Thistle" Sycamore asked from beside me. "A practice run for the wedding or coronation"

My father looked deeply concerned as he considered the question "Never in our history have I seen any kingdom brought to their knees like's most probably linked to Rowans Coronation. Once she is crowned, her reign begins. Those that fear her, they will want to strike early to avoid her being crowned entirely. The army are on the outskirts, ready for action"  he informs.

"Father may I speak with you" I ask.

He looks across the table like I was asking something quite ridiculous "Rowan this is a matter of our kingdoms security ...I will no doubt be here all night on this"

"I urge you to just hear me out..." I ask.

"Whatever you must say... say it here. Especially if it's about what happened here today"

The entire Counsel watch me closely from under bushy white eyebrows, and white and gold robes which quite honestly made them ghoulish to me... not sacred or senior.

I suddenly felt like I was a young teenager being brought before the school board for discipline.

I stand, hands on the table before me, and I look up to acknowledge them all "To avoid an unnecessary military response ... and quite frankly a war. I must confess, despite my reservations to do so..."

The silence that follows is oppressive.

My father stands and grabs my arm "a word" he booms loudly as he took me to the far end of the room "What the hell were you about to confess" he asked sternly.

Sycamore took the place beside me. "My thoughts exactly"

"I accidentally ...blew out the veil" I confess, grimacing and baring my teeth.

"How" My father asks a little more seriously.

I wasn't about to explain how it was a simple case of intimacy withdrawn. Hand holding. Honestly it wasn't even passionate. Would we render the entire realm void of magic if we actually went all the way?!

"I was practising with my magic...and got a little carried away. I didn't even know I could do that father. I fixed it though as soon as I realised"

"Rowan are you telling me that you have the power to disable an entire kingdoms magic...."

"I am" I Confirm regretfully, making myself seem smaller in stature as a survival instinct.

Although it was a lie. Andy and I together could disable the magic of the kingdom...but I didn't think I was powerful enough to do it alone.

He leans closer to whisper "you must never confess that to anyone...not even the counsel. If anyone knew" he shook his head "my darling your prophecy will be all but confirmed. Army's from every corner would march on Olamoore for your head"

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