Chapter Twenty One- Morning meeting

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Cricket and Robin accompany me up to the drawing room. I can tell they have a multitude of questions on their lips, it would be a toss up to see who would break first.

"I can't wait a moment longer... were they naked... at it like rabbits... was magic exploding from the bed" Cricket asked eagerly.

I try not to smile at the way that had indeed exploded from her mouth. "No Cricket they were not...I'm sorry to disappoint you"

"I don't understand it" Robin muttered under her breath "why did you let the guards let her onto the branch this morning ... surely Andy can tickle her fancy somewhere else. The staff will talk. Your father will hear the rumours"

The lift stops on the communal floor of the Oak and we step off.

"I've told Andy to keep it to a cupboard, or Lunas room in the roots. Somewhere under the cover of darkness"

"Good plan" Cricket replied as we marched toward the drawing room. "She will be bored to tears of the little put out after a week. I like the plan. It cunning and risky... but it's certainly a way to let Andy come to her senses unaided. I still don't love Andy for you, but you are my best friend Rowan, and if you want her... il gladly watch as you go get her"

"Little sister" Aspen greeted as we approached the drawing room. He looked to Cricket and lifted her hand to kiss. "Crick in the neck... good morn"

She yanked her hand from his lips. "Aspan the dustpan...good morn to you too"

"Stop flirting" I tease.

Robin smiles and takes my arm as we leave Cricket and Aspen to offend eachother until one got bored.

"They should just get together already" Robin muses "it's disgusting how much they would suit... if they just succumbed to the sexual tension"

"Agreed" I return as we sat down on the love seat, our eyes on the door.

My fathers booming voice echoed down the hallway. Robin looked to me worriedly "Why is your father here" she asked.

"No idea" I replied as he turned the corner into the room with his guards in tow and Sycamore at his feet.

"Daughter" he greets. "A word in private" he asked.

Robin curtseyed and fled the room gladly.

The doors shut and my father sat himself opposite me as Sycamore tried to get himself onto the armchair to my left.

My father and I had a moment of looking to each other and trying to hide our amusement as Sycamore tried to mount the chair. I sucked my bottom lip into my mouth and bit it down. My father had to look away from me so he didn't smile, he didn't often do that in front of me, my father... but if he did it was at Sycamores expense.

"Dear god Sycamore" My father eventually says loudly "guard" he shouts.

My fathers favourite guard comes to his aid "please place Sycamore on the chair and leave us to it" he orders.

"No I can do it" Sycamore argues, but it is pointless, as he is lifted onto the chair with ease by one hand only.

"To what do I owe this pleasurable little meeting of the round table this morn" I ask sarcastically. "Not that I'm hoping this is a regular occurrence... but I do so love my two favourite men coming together to spank me"

"Stop it" my father ordered, shaking his head with a look that said I would be the death of him. "You always have to ruin a lovely moment" he adds looking away to the window and the Dove that flew down with a message. My Dove.

Rowans ChoiceDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora