Chapter Fifteen- Lesson one

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Emotional intimacy ... that lesson had ended with a hole in a wall, but it would continue into day two as Bell smiled and assisted us to find commonality, and be more comfortable within each others space.

"You have a lot of history... and I see there are many things that could take years to work through here. I won't pretend that I can fix this relationship in three weeks but I'm going to try and make it better. I hope to help you both lose this armour that you've placed on yourselves for constant battle"

Rowan and I had both given each other a little honesty yesterday, we had given more than ever before. She had even knocked my door around midnight and begged of me to let her in. She wanted to know about that night, and begged me to hear her and believe her when she said she didn't know anything about it, and had no idea I had been left.

I had spent an entire night once she had given up, tossing and turning and wondering if she knew about the deal with Mirren. But as I had searched under the bed for my hiding spot and felt the cold glass bottle there under my fingers, I knew she couldn't have. If Rowan knew of the deal she would have taken it by now and had me thrown into the cells below the Oak. She wouldn't have been begging me to open my door so she could understand me better and have me believe her.

"I want you both to tell each other something you admire about the other" Bell asked.

Rowan and I had not looked to each other once today, there were no maddened stares or looks of disdain... only avoidance. We both seemed to be in the same place for once in our adult life...

"Andromeda" Bell asks with a gentle smile.

I look away from the open window and back to the cheery face of our coach. "Yes" I ask, having not been paying attention.

"Tell me something about Rowan that you admire" she asks again.

I look up to the ceiling as if searching for the answer, but it is there in seconds and leaving my mouth, a compliment for the first time in five years "I admire her resilience"

Bell smiles broadly and throws her hands out excitedly "that's wonderful Andromeda thank you"

Rowan is sat with her legs pulled up in-front her on the chair. She hugs them and rests her chin on her knee, her eyes were now on me for the first time this afternoon.

"What do you mean" she asks, before Bell can ask her for her own answer.

I walk back to the cluster of chairs and take my seat. "You were born into a world that didn't understand you nor want you... you had a lonely childhood because you were hidden away for fear you would be assassinated. Yet you have not only survived ... you have are perhaps the most stubborn and resilient person I've ever known"

Rowans fair brows come together, her full lips fold slightly as she hugged herself tighter and they pressed against her knee "Thank you" she responds calmly.

"Rowan can you tell Andromeda what it is you admire about her?" Bell asks.

I see a flicker of a smile on Rowans lips as she considers her answer. A warm sensation filled my belly to see it.

"I admire many things truth be told" she begins.

My pulse quickened with surprise, she had said that so affectionately that it had disarmed me instantly.

"Andy is beautiful and strong, with a magic she should be gloating over, but she doesn't. I admire the fact that she is committed to our people and only here right now for them, suffocating right along with me in this little game of house ...when she clearly has reason to hate me. I admire the fact she opened up yesterday and told me a little... when it obviously hurts her to tell a lot. I just wish she would tell me it all... and let me admire exactly what it is she has admired about me... her resilience. Despite how it appears Bell... between us...I could go on and on about Andromeda. This isn't a stranger... this is a girl I have loved since I first set eyes on her"

Rowans ChoiceOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant