Water 7: Usopp leaves the Crew.

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As the sun sets, the pirates wait for Usopp to wake up and as for their ship, Luffy has made a tough decision and is preparing to reveal it to his friend.

Chopper: HEY! USOPP WOKE UP! - the doctor opened the kitchen door and excitedly told the news.

Luffy: really?! Good!

Nami: now we can relax a little. - she sighs relieved.

Y/N: Luffy... - he calls his captain. - are you ready to talk to him about... the ship? - he asks worried about how Usopp would react. - among all of us here, he is the most attached to the going merry.

Luffy: don't worry Y/N, Usopp will understand and respect my decision shishishi - he patted him on the head and went upstairs to the kitchen, the others follow him.

Nami: seriously, don't worry us so much! - she scolded Usopp for going alone to fight the Franky family.

Usopp was so embarrassed that he could barely look at his crewmates' faces.

Y/N: Don't worry Usopp, Franky's gang got what they deserved! - he says trying to comfort him

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Y/N: Don't worry Usopp, Franky's gang got what they deserved! - he says trying to comfort him. - we beat them up!

Sanji: To think that you marched in by yourself... That was so reckless... you were lucky that you didn't die.

Usopp: just because i'm so
good-for-nothing... - he mutters feeling sad. - i'm sorry... really... I'm ashamed guys...! - he cries and runs to hug Zoro's legs. - That money was so crucial to us and yet, l let it... I let it... I let it... -

Zoro: Hey! - he squirms his leg trying to get free of him. - hold on a sec! Calm down Usopp! Let me go!

Usopp: But the huge amoung of money we got..., after all that we went through... - he keeps crying about losing the money.

Chopper: Usopp... You should still be in bed! - the doctor intervenes worried about him.

Usopp: did you recover the lost money?

Luffy: unfortunately we arrived very late, that Franky guy already left with the money. - he says.

Usopp: i see... I'm sorry...

Luffy: well, we had 400 million! if we can't get our money back at least we still have 200 million! - the captain says excited. - so that's okay, don't worry about it.

Y/N: me and Nami preserved our briefcases, nobody will steal from us again.

Nami: yes but losing 200 million berries is still a concern. - the navigator says suffering for the stolen money.

Usopp: but Luffy...- he faces him. - what about the ship? what about the going merry? Can we somehow have her repaired with that remaining 200 million? We're Lucky that we can save her in such first-class shipyard.

the others bite their lip and clench their fists listening to Usopp talking excitedly about repairing the ship, not having the courage to tell him the truth.

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