I can't leave him like this.

I can't leave him in this state.

"Joseph, please, you have to understand me," my voice is gentle as I lean over the table, carefully removing his hands from his face.

My lip begins to quiver at the sight of his eyes that are red and filled with tears. He looks completely distraught. I never wanted to hurt him.

"This is what's best for the both of us," I quietly tell him as I place my hand on the side of his face, softly caressing his tear stained cheek.

And in an instant his light brown eyes that are filled with sadness change into ones that are filled with rage. It's like a switch inside of him goes off and he is now looking at me like I'm the person he hates the most in the world. "You said that you would never abandon me," he spits and I quickly remove my hand from his face, not liking the sudden change of emotion. "You said you fucking love me," he clenches his jaw, glaring at me.

My heart begins to pound against my chest in fear causing me to lean back in my seat, anxiously playing with the hem of my dress. "You lying fucking bitch," his voice booms through the cafe and my body flinches at his harsh tone.

"Joseph," my voice croaks as my throat begins to feel tight at the way he is speaking to me. He has never called me a bitch. He has never looked at me the way he is now.

"Don't," he clenches his fists. "Every word that comes out of your mouth is a fucking lie," he snarls. The way he is looking at me and the way he is clenching and unclenching his fists has my heart beating faster than ever.

"After everything I have done..after everything we have shared," he grits through his teeth. "You think you can just fucking leave me like that!" He slams his fist hard on the table making me jump in my seat.

My hand immediately goes to the rose pendant around my neck, before I can even press the diamond in the middle I hear Ivan's quick footsteps rush towards us. "I don't want another word from your mouth pedazo de mierda," he glares at Joseph while keeping his hand on his gun that is tucked into his waistband (piece of shit). "Vámonos, Lina," he orders me and I quietly nod at his request (let's go, Lina).

Before sliding out of the booth I take one last look at Joseph, trying my best to keep the tears that brim my eyes from falling. "Bye, Joseph," my voice comes out brittle as I try to push down the lump that is stuck in my throat.

Joseph just continues to glare at me as I make my way to Ivan's side, finding comfort in his presence. My heartbeat is slowing down and my hands aren't as clammy as there were seconds ago. God, I'm glad he is here.

"No la miras," Ivan growls at Joseph, forcing Joseph's eyes on him instead of me (don't look at her). "You're lucky there isn't a bullet in your head right now, but if you ever try to come near her again you won't be so fucking lucky," he roughly threatens him.

I expect Joseph to answer back but instead he just continues to glare at Ivan not giving a damn about the harsh words that leave his mouth.

"Let's go," he says and shoots Joseph one final death glare before leading me out of the cafe.

Ivan mutters an infinite amount of curses under his breath as we walk outside and make our way to the car while I'm busy trying not to breathe.

I feel like if I do, I'll start crying.

And I don't want to cry in public.

My throat feels tight and my eyes are blurry with my tears that I'm desperately holding back.

𝗗𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗹𝘆 𝗢𝗯𝘀𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ