**You Remind Me**10

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The sun decided to shine brightly that morning. The birds decided to twitter about, the grass wanted to be green. It was a perfect day in May to just play out in the fields and ride bikes. Krishena Morgan looked out the window of her top story office and smiled. Another day, another dollar. Another dollar, another ridiculous client.

Krishena didn't exactly enjoy her job at the law firm. In fact, if the choice was hers, she'd be in nursing. It was one thing her and her husband had in common: it was the desire to help others. That was actually how they met. In a hospital.

Both of them were volunteers. They meet in a somewhat clichéd setting. The manager over all the volunteers put them together to work the third floor. Their job was to sit around and play games with the admitted patients. At first they didn't really like each other. They'd bicker and argue. Call each other names like incompetent and selfish. Never in a million years did they think they'd be the two to get hitched.

But they did. After being at each other's throat for a good three months, they were both excused from helping that hospital. The patients complained that they brought their moods down. Or got their heart rate up rather highly and that wasn't a good effect towards the patients.

Of course they blamed one another. That day, as they were packing their things and arguing harshly at the hospital for the last time ever, George had to just stop and say, "Hey. Do you even understand how important this was to me?" This hit a nerve and Krishena immediately tossed back the same question. Soon they were explaining their reasoning. Then they were kissing. And fast forward three years, married.

She hummed and closed her shades. Today wasn't supposed to be a good day. Today was supposed to be a work day. With one her least favorite clients. Mrs.Guchendel. Mrs.Guchendel never knew what she wanted and when she did know, it was never what she really wanted. Many a days Krishena just wanted to lose it with her, but Ms.Guchendel was the firm's biggest spender and most respected. Krishena would never work in that town again if she messed this up. Man, she just wished Mrs.Guchendel didn't like her so much.

Just then, in strolled those pale blue flats and powder pink lips that the entire law firm loathed so much. "Keishhhaaa!!! Darling! How ARE you?!" Mrs.Guchendel exclaimed holding out her arms to embrace Krishena. Knowingly, she complied trying not to show how obviously peeved she was. Every time she messed the name up. Every single time.

"What seems to be the problem?" Krishena asked as soon as they were seated in her office.

Mrs.Guchendel fluffed her white hair and pursed her thin lips. "Well, it seems that that blasted neighbor is at it again."

"Acorns on your property?"

"Leaves and apples too."

Badly, she wanted to slam her head on the desk. Leaves. Apples. It's like she wanted to make her job hard. The least she could do was claim a branch had fallen and broken her fence. Now that was something to work with. But leaves and apples? That wouldn't make a dent in her perfectly pampered soil.

"So, are you wanting to sue them?"

"Sue them? Well no. But now that you mention it...I think we should because this is the third time in a month."

"I see. However, Mrs.Guchendel —"

"Call me Linda."

Krishena cleared her throat. She wanted to call her a lot of things but Linda wasn't one of them.

"Linda. I don't think we can sue them for apples and acorns."

"And leaves, Keisha. Leaves. That's destruction of property. Vandalism."

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