**You Remind Me**6

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A  boy with ginger hair stood facing a window, wearing a look of irriation and disbelief. Behind him is a taller boy with long, brown, shiny hair staring at him sympathictly. He wore a fine blue gown and looked very much like a lady. Sighing, he said, his voice heavy with understanding and sadness,"I really wish you wouldn't speak to me that way."

The slightly shorter boy replied, mimicking the other boy's tone, "I really wish you would trust me more."

"It just doesn't look right for you to..parade 'round all them..them jessibells! People've been talkin'..."

"Everybody talks, baby!" The ginger boy stated, turning aburptly to his distressed lover."You can't listen to all that."

The taller of the two turned away. He couldn't look at his face any longer. What if he was lying? Why would he want him anyways? He was just a cross dressing disgrace. A wannabe that was never gonna be. He didn't know why they still played these games.

"Hey, hey. I'm over here," the ginger gently brought the other boy's face back towards his own.."Listen,listen.You. You are the only girl or jessibell, whatever you're calling them that I love. Yes, I've seen all of them, it's a small town after all. But they'd never compare to your beauty and I swear I've never seen anything like it..."

The two boys were trapped in eachother's gaze. The taller one wanted desperatly to believe him but he couldn't. He just couldn't. Of course his beauty didn't compare, his make-up skills could never beat a natural female cheekbone or eyebrow arch. Of course he'd never seen anything like it, nobody was twisted enough to disagree with their own gender. Maybe the town's talk was right. Maybe he wasn't satisfed with his girlfriend. Maybe it was better he left the new girl on the soil alone and never bothered with her ugly, outter apperance-d self ever again.

However it was a whole other ball game for the ginger. He really did love his girlfriend. He just wished they could be more public. His girlfriend was walking around with a huge secret that only he knew. He understood it. He didn't care either. But it wasn't that way across town. Such things weren't taken kindly here. It was often taken horribly. Even he himself had lost a friend becasue of his open ways.

His town wasn't a bad place. It was a God fearing , welcoming town of narrow minded bastards and he really was getting sick of it. He too was a social outcast on the DL. He didn't like that he had to do things like lie to everyone and even himself. In fact, he believed that he was "cured" when he meet Trixie;however, he came to find out that wasn't the case. Trixie was a girl alright, juusst not where it counts if you get the drift. So in the end, James was still dating a boy if his town had anything to say about it.

There were times in the last few months where he had looked at it that way. He was dating a guy. He loved another boy. A male. And he was openly doing it, too, in a sense. It made him feel better and honestly it made him like Trixie even more. She had helped him feel comfortable with himself. Now he wanted to help Trixie feel the same.

Trixie was just so insecure. He could tell that when she walked outside she was scared that someone might find out, and even scared of the anticipating ridicule. It wasn't like James could reassure her that that wouldn't happen simply because he didn't know. That specific outcome was possible. And also because of her own doubts, she was always searching for a reason she wasn't good enough for James. James classifed that as her actually searching for a way to skip out on things.

They both knew that if they weren't together, Trixie would be so far away from that town it would be like it didn't even exist. They both knew that James wouldn't have thought twice about packing up and going with her. They both knew that that wouldn't happen any time soon.

As much as he wanted to, James could not just up and leave. He had business there. Someone to take care of. An education to finish. A life to lead. He'd always wanted his children to grow up in the same house he did and play in the same off green grass he played in. He wanted to live next door to old friends and chill with them while their kids played on the yard. Reminist on all the good old days in High School and college. None of that could be accomplised if they moved up North.

So now they stood, thinking completely different thoughts and searching each other's eyes, sharing a moment neither of them truly understood.

"Uhm, Darren. I uh, I don't know my next line." the taller boy said, hesitantly looked away from the shorter boy infront on him. Darren, a fit structed young man apperared fromm behind a counter that held a small portable camera scowling.

"I don't remember saying cut."

The two boys glowered at Darren. Was he serious right now?They knew he wanted, needed, to win, but dang! He was acting as if his editing wasn't good enough to just fix the scene if it was that bad.

"Yeah, OK, CUT! Awesome scene guys. Keitthh-loved it!"

Keith cocked his head."Uh-huh, uh-huh yeah, so why is it that I had to play the girl?"he asked tugging at the brown wig.

Darren shrugged his shoulders as if the answer he would give would be the best possible one he could muster up." Trey is more macho than you?"

"Pumpkin head here is like five four." he said pointing to Trey who was flipping through the script. He looked up at Keith and flashed a cheeky smile. He had a better answer for why and he was gonna give it.

"Yes, but whenwear the wig, I still look like a boy in a wig.When you put it on, you look like a tall 16 year old girl..or should I say jessibell."

Darren and Trey started cracking up with laughter at the refrence with that line. Instantly, they all thought back to when Keith added that line to the sweet moment to make it kinda funny. He never guessed he be the one being called that,  not the one saying it.  Keith didn't want to give in to laughter, but he had to admit, it was hilarious. Like who insu;ts their girlfrineds when trying to comfort her? It was like they were defending the actual tramp.

"We don't have much longer to be here, we gotta get to the aud. Guess who reserved us some play time for a solid uninterrupted. Unsupervised. Solid two hours of filming?" Darren announced, heading back to his spot behind the camera.

"SICK,  now we cam shoot scene one." Trey praised.

High five-ing Trey, Keith exclaimed ,"FINALLY. A scene when I can take this goddam wig off!"

Darren switched into serious director mode. "Let's run the scene from where we left off, try to capture that emotion, people ACTION!"

Keith didn't need any help with that. Surprisingly, he was into their short film. He was getting closer to his friend with every practice and it was honestly the most fun they had all had together in a while. With Darren getting older and getting out there, like having jobs and things, they didn't have much time to be a trio. This time next year, Darren would be off to college some where and it'd just be him and Trey. Keith had mixed feelings about that idea. He didn't want Darren to go, that was his friend. But the thought of just him and Trey gave him a weird, satisfying feeling. Just Trey and Keith. He liked the sound of that.



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