***You Remind Me**3

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Whoever is beating on my door is bipolar as heck. I was hesitant to answer the door. It could be an ax murder. No one comes to my house at this hour.


I opened the door. Just the person I wanted to see stood on the porch.

"Key Key, what the fluck?"

"Oh good, you're already dressed!"  Keith placed his hand on my shoulder, pulling me outside with him. " Let's go!"

Keith closed my door, leaving me confused standing in my yard. "What are you doing?" I tried to  get back in my house but he had locked the door. I patted my pocket and realized that my phone was on the couch. Of course.

"I'm taking you out."

My heart stopped. Did he say what I think he just said? Did pigs just start flying some where? Keith Lyon was taking me out ?

Keith grabbed my arm."Consider it a reward for winning Dodge Ball Death Match. "

Oh. So this a friend thing...



We walked through the entrance of the traveling fair. Well maybe it's not a traveling fair per say, but it came to town only so many times a year. Trey and I hadn't been to one together in a while. It's a school night and I was going to wait until Saturday but dammit I need alone time with him as soon as possible.

I have no clue what his deal was earlier. Seriously. It made me feel like a horrible friend. If I'm lucky, this will make up for it. Then again, luck liked to send me to voicemail.

"Oh my gosh, Key Key. What are we doing." Trey gawked at the rides behind the ticket stand. He was like a little kid with his sugar high sounding voice.  Adorable. That's the word for it.

I paid for the tickets, handing Trey his blue wristband. "I think we should ride The Tilt-A-Whirl." I say, pointing to the first ride I saw.  The ride was painted purple and so far up in the sky I really didn't even see the top. It looked like a spatula. The ride went in circles, like when you twirl a pencil between your fingers.

"So basically...you brought me here to kill me?"

"I brought you here to steal you away."

"I knew you were an ax murder."

After begging T to get on the ride with me. He did. I personally thought it was awesome. When the ride was going on to the second twirl, T was just like the people next to us... Screaming "STOP THE RIDE! STOPTHERIDE!!".

He threw up in a trash can. Then so did everyone else.



"My turn...to pick the ride."

I still hadn't caught my breath. Or my balance. I was using Keith as a support. Who would be surprised if I passed out? I'm betting on it.

Short laughs came from Keith. He knew I didn't like rollercoasters. He probably thinks I'm going to suggest the marry-go-round. Not going to lie, I do want to ride it. I just want pay back more.

The Fireball is by far the very worst ride. I've never ridden it but I've watched it ; holy shlit. Not something you want to go on.

It can seat like 25. Five people on each side, five sides. It's a Pentagon and it rotates. While it rotates it swings side to side, getting higher every time. Eventually it gets so high that it goes all the way around a few times while rotating fast as hell.

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