*You Remind Me* 11

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lord christ. now i have to do this shit oVER?! FUCK MY LIFE

ok, ok, ill start typing now.


This is crazy.


How does one mess up getting kissed by their crush? Everything was simple. Just lean in and do the dam thing. But no. I couldn't do that. All I could do was think of how wrong it would be. I have a boyfriend; I can't just go around kissing other guys! But in the same breath, all I could think about was how right it would be. Keith isn't just any old guy. He's my forever. And I don't care if we  stay friends or become something because either way I plan on spending the rest of my life with him. He's my best friend ever and we've only done so much together these 16 years. We've got loads more stuff to do; dammit we're growing old together!

That's why I can't wait for all this Willam stuff to blow over so that we can go back to how we were before this distance crap. I haven't been this close or said this much to him in weeks. And it wasn't even something relevant it was lines from a script.

But I can't understand why my brain wasn't on page with my body. We could have kissed just then! What if it would have ruined our friendship? It is already practically non-existent; maybe the kiss would have fueled something.

Then again, he didn't want to kiss me, he personally asked if we just HAD to. Nope, you can't think about that. First rule of thumb when it comes to crushes, confirming they don't like you is a NO. After that it's not even a crush anymore. It's just false hope.

"THAT'S A WRAP! I'm off to edit this, it better be good so help me GOD you two unprofessional..." Darren exclaimed as he began to pack his equipment and mumbling to himself. He was back into the school building in a flash and it was just me and Keith. That's when I looked down and realized I was still straddling him. His eyes were shifting left to right almost uncomfortably. Without saying anything, I removed myself from him.

He grabbed my arm before I could fully do so. "Are you OK?" he asked.

Of course I'm not OK. But what would be the point of telling him when I can't talk to him. I'll just have to...lie and say everything's fine. It's not a real lie at least. Everyone does that. To keep the conversation short. And that's all I'm really doing, keeping the conversation short. I nodded my head yes and tried to go again, but he grabbed my arm again.

"You in some type of hurry?"  He let my arm go and wiped at the make up on his face with the skirt of his costume.

I shook my head again walking over to my back pack. I stuffed the script in and then I removed the ugly corridor jacket that my character seemed to love. I was trying my best to get back to the school building. I had to see this through for Willam. I had to.

"Let me guess." Keith stood up and went over to his back pack on the other side of the field. "The library?"

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