*I Forgot* 6

11 3 3

Keith straightened the red bow tie on his neck, muttering to himself. Sure this was the awards ceremony, but was all this really necessary? It's nine a.m. and he was sitting here in a suit trying to wake up.

"Is this thing ever going to start." He whispered into Ambrose's ear. They weren't actually supposed to be talking right now. The event was about to start and with over 600 people in the room, silence would be greatly appreciated.

"Eventually." He whispered back.

A woman with blonde curly hair and deep red lips walked across  the stage to the podium, a camera crew tracking her every move from it's position on the floor. This was being taped live.

"Good morning everyone, and welcome to the 6th annual Tony Winning Teens Awards Ceremony." She spoke into the mike. As she droned on and on about the back story of the competition, Keith struggled to stay up. He had to do things like initiate thumb wars and staring contests with Ambrose to combat his heavy eye lids.

"Our nominees are Hack for their film , ' January ' , Jackal for their film, ' The One Who Are ' , Kendolls, for their film , 'Leaving You' , After for their film , ' Rather Be' and TKO for their film, ' I Think I Love You.' " As she called out each team, a picture of them together shone behind her on a projector.

"As I called your group, please come to the stage." She cleared her throat. "Now our top three candidates were hard to pick and even harder to choose in rankings of good to best. Though it was seemingly impossible, we did it and have come to this conclusion. In no particular order, our top three of the 2015 Tony Winning Teens are  Hack, Jackal, and TKO."

The room broke out into cheers and applause. Keith exhaled sharply and stood. He was filled with joy and excitement. Almost enough to completely jolt him awake. Ambrose hugged him, mumbling, "You did it!" into his neck.

"They called you too, Hack."

"I don't exactly like being in front of crowds this large..." He mumbled off, looking at the floor. Keith was taken aback.

"Oh you're kidding!" Keith took his hand, seeing that no, he wasn't kidding. Ambrose was actually afraid. He didn't think Ambrose would be one to fall back at a time like this. But nevertheless, Keith was there with him and he didn't have to be scared. "It's OK, Ambie. No one's going to eat you. At least not while I'm around."

Ambrose shook his hand away. "That's just fantastic," he said indifferently as he walked down the aisle, slowly nearing the steps to the stage. Keith quickly caught up to him, noticing his knees slightly shaking. He took up Ambrose's hand again and continued the walk to the stage ; a camera tracking them as they did. "I'm safe for a couple of hours until you disappear from the face of the Earth."

"I'm only moving a few hours away. I'll come visit you this summer, I promise. Or you could come visit me. We'll explore the town together." He reassured.

"You won't go anywhere there without me. Promise? Not even to the grocery store because you haven't been there before and it would be like a new discovery."

"I promise, now smile." He got close to his ear, " We're on tv." He gave Ambrose's widened as Keith give him a quick  pat on the back before he took his place next to Darren.

"Please give another round of applause to our top three!" The announcer spoke, sending the crowd into cheers and applause yet again. All eyes were on Keith, it felt. He was beginning to understand how Ambrose must have felt.

"Our second place winner, taking the prize of 1,500 dollars is..." she paused for dramatic effect, "Jackal!"

Again, the crowd goes wild. The members of Jackal stepped forward to receive their trophy and check.

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