*I Forgot* 1

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"DINNER!" my mom yelled from downstairs.

I sighed, pushing controls furiously.

"Looks like I'll win once again!" Ambrose exclaimed snuggly, his eyes glued to the screen. We were playing call of duty ghost. And by playing I mean gaming to death. I haven't been able to beat him at this game.

Here I was thinking I was all that until he came along. Then he says something like ," oh I don't really know how to play this game bla bla bullshít" The hell, did he learn within three seconds of the game loading?

"Only because I have dinner." I said in defense.

"Whatever floats your dusty boat in the salty seas of loserdom."

The screen showed the inevitable. I don't even want to acknowledge it. I swear he's like cheating or something.

"Whoop-whoop, all hail the king." He did this stupid dance where he just shakes his shoulders. Kind if like a part from a salsa only it looked really obnoxious and he's like waving the contoller around .

I shut off the console and tv. " You have no authority here, get the faq out."

"I've decided to be king of loserdom," he got really close to my face and his chalk colored nose almost bumped mine. "So now I rule you. Off to dinner with you."

I gave a fake smile then pulled away from him, starting to walking out of my room and to the kitchen saying ," Only because my mom said so." He just laughed as if that's not what actually happened. He probably thinks he has me whipped.

My mom and dad were sitting at the table already, eating their food. I used to think no one at the table was supposed to eat when everyone wasn't present. But that rule didn't apply after a certain age I guess.

"Walker, you could join us for dinner." My mom offered. Why would she do this? Ambrose needs to leave before we sucked back into that game. I refuse to lose eight times in one afternoon.

"No, that's ok Mrs.Lyon. I have to get home, but thanks anyway." Ambrose pulled out his phone and texted someone I think before he left out the front door.

I began to eat, deliberately pushing the peas off the side of the plate. Yeah it was childish but they both know I hate peas...so really they wanted me to do this.

"He's a nice young man." My dad said, trying to engage in conversation. Instantly, I felt uncomfortable. I didn't want this go any further. At least not with me present.

Just don't say anything, I thought to myself. Maybe if I don't intervene, it won't get very far.

Mom sipped her water before contributing. " Yes, but he's kind of strange isn't he?"

"Strange? Hm, I haven't picked up on anything like that. What makes you say that?"

"Well he just seems like a homosexual."

It everything in me to not spit out my food . Mom, wtf?! I almost choked on my steak. Did I just hear that right.

"I agree." My dad said.

Now I reaallyy knew I didn't need to be present for this conversation."Is that a um problem?" I asked . I may as well have tried to steer the conversation else where. I don't even know if Ambrose is gay, he doesn't seem like it to me. But then again neither did he.

Mom took a long sip from her glass. "Well no. If that's what he wants to do then that's him. I don't see anything wrong with it."

What...what? I'm confused. The way she worded that sentence...the way she said it. Is she one of those people?

This is How You Remind Me[BxB] [Wattys2015]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ