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Well, I am just thoroughly fucked this fine morning." Keith said, sighing, dragging a white hand down his face.

February 14, Valentine's Day. As a cruel trick, God decided that this was the year it landed on a Monday. The worst day of the week suddenly becoming even more stressful than it usually is was not what Keith signed up for.

There was a project due today in three classes, a student council meeting he had to attend, homework he blew off last night, and teddy bears he had misplaced. And now to top it all of , his alarm clock read 8:05 am and had been silently going off since 5:40.

Come on Lord. I try to be the perfect student. I got a high D on my last report card didn't I? I mean I didn't fail. Keith prayed to a God he didn't even totally believe in. He did that when times got rough. Just in case.

Keith's mother Krishna, a mixed woman with a head full of jet black hair and deep brown eyes, had already left to go to her steady job at a law firm. To be clear, she wore the pants in the family, bringing in the bacon and cooking it too. They all knew that.

Keith's father, Joseph, worked at a nursing home with two four hour shifts a day and 36 dollars a week. Of course, if Joseph wanted, or really needed to, he could go out and get a real job. He had a master's degree, a bachelor's degree, and all that good stuff. He had the wit and intellect to be a very successful business owner in fact.

However, despite that he could do all those things, he didn't. He knew his heart wouldn't be in it. Hanging around and tending to elderly and disabled was what an old softy with a heart of keen and pure kindness like him did for a living. Even if there wasn't much living going on because of it.

By the time Keith had pulled himself out of bed, 20 minutes had passed. With every step he took, he was later and later to school. He hoped if begged enough he'd get out of it. His dad was a push over after all. Keith didn't always take advantage of this quality, but that didn't mean it wasn't on his mind from time to time. Or all the time.

"You're still here?" Joseph asked, not even looking up from the literature book he was reading. He already knew his 16 year old son was still home. Granted he was up all night studying. His version of studying, which was ten minutes text book, 30 minutes GTA, and so on. He knew his son was bright. He also knew his son liked to kill the lights.

"Go on get dressed. I'll make you an egg sandwich you can eat on the way to school."

Keith sighed. "Thanks for not telling mom."

"Who said I'm not telling her?"

* * *

" Key Key! " gasped Trey, a ginger kid who happened to be Keith's long time friend. We're talking diaper buddy friends. "I was beginning to think you weren't going to show."

Trey had an emo hair style, guy liner as he called it, and brown contacts. Keith and Trey didn't keep anything from each other but for the last 16 years of their lives, Keith didn't know Trey's birth eye color. When they were little kids, he didn't pay attention it. It wasn't important .

Then, in middle school, Trey started switching irises. Sometimes Keith felt guilty about that, however the feeling always passed as quickly as it came.

"I'm not a girl, must I keep telling you, T?"

"Yeah, but I don't wanna call you Keith. Or Lyon. Or K. Or some pet name, cuz that'd be just so weird. " he said, eating an undone french fry. He spit it out,choking slightly.

"Dumbass. This food's never done. If you can call pig intestines food"

"One day it may be."

"Please. Not even Harry Potter would eat this hog shit ."

Both boys start laughing, gaining bemused looks from surroundings students and scowls from teachers in lunch duty. They looked at them like the boys were this close to being expelled. They weren't.

The lunch room could be as loud as permitted considering it is completely sectioned off from the rest of the school to cut stop any ways lunch room noises could be a distraction to other students. A long walk across the court yard, it was, but worth it, is was as well.

Darren Beard, a black 17 year old in the eleventh grade, sat down at their table. He had been a mutual friend of both Keith and Trey for the last two years. " So you finally come. Two class periods late. Why the hell did you show?"

"Dad." they all say in unison.

"How can someone be so easy going and so strict all at once?" Darren commented,sneaking a look at his phone that was expertly positioned under the table.

" It is like they know they're soft so they toughen up their defenses."

"You're telling me."

They sat in silence. For a group of good friends, they didn't have much to talk about. At least not on Mondays. The week just officially started, what is there to say?

"Darren. DARREN!"

Darren peered up at his two friends. "Huh?"

"Who the heck are you texting that you can't hear me? I could have died."

"Sorry, Keith. I didn't realize I was your keeper. I'm texting Latrice. She's expecting something big tonight for Valentine's."

"Is she getting something big?"

"I think we can work something out." Darren winked at them.

"UM. I'm trying to eat here." Trey interjected.

"Well you shouldn't be . Word on the street is, the lunch lady's cousin had to clean crap off the floor. "

Keith shook his head. "Let me guess. She's on rampage?"

"Bingo." Darren said.

Both boys pushed their trays to the center of the table. Whenever the custodians had to clean crap off the floor, aka do their jobs, somebody went home sick. The teachers think there's no connection but the students knew better. Yeah, the lunch sends the students' taste buds packin, but it doesn't completely destroyed and wreak havoc on them as it did when the custodians did their jobs.

Besides. Keith didn't have time to be getting sick. His mother was already going to kill him when he got home. He could feel it in his hand. The hand she'd snatch the controllers, ipods, tablets, and phone out of as soon as he got home.

* * *

After school, both Keith and Trey left the student council meeting. Keith was a class rep and Trey was the student secretary. They walked out the school doors in understandable solitude. The meeting was a bust.

Teachers managed the meetings, and the students couldn't do anything they wanted. It was always something with them. Nothing they suggested was right. Why did they even make a council in the first place?

When they reached Keith's house, Trey trailed him up to the porch.

"I'm not going in today. Buuutt..." Trey pulled off his backpack, going in it and pulling out a heart shaped box.

" I got you something."

Trey gave the box to Keith, nervously looking at the ground. "For me?" Keith asked, examining the red box of chocolates. It wasn't like Trey was notorious for started ruckus or anything, but that didn't exclude him fro it's agenda. Maybe the box would be empty when he opened it later. Or half eaten.

"It is.Don't read into it. " Trey started walking away.

"Happy Valentine's Day, T."

"Yeah..." Trey turned back to him for a second. " Happy Valentine's Day."

Keith watched Trey walk down the road, his hands stuck deep in his pockets and backpack dropping lazily off his shoulder.

Oh Trey. You're so frickin lucky I don't like reading because one of us could end up in big trouble.

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