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We parked outside a hotel and went inside.

We took our seats next to each other, and placed an order. I shook my leg impatiently, while waiting for the food.

I was really hungry!

After waiting for sometime, our dishes arrived. I ordered some chilly noodles and corn soup, and Jimin ordered cheese pasta with french toast.

Without a word, we quickly digged in our foods.

"Breaking news. Yesterday, 12 in the midnight, there was a brutal murder..." There were news on the small tv placed on the wall.

I turned my gaze to the screen, and Jimin followed the same.

"The murderer, killed a man, who was one of the richest assistant ceo of Helmut company. Investigators found that a large amounr of money and expensive ornaments were stollen too. The killer didn't leave a single trace of his proof. Police have been doing their job recently, and we hope the murderer would be found soon. Please stay safe..."

"Seriously?" Jimin, looked up, while his cheek was filled with bread.

"What?" He asked furrowing his eyebrows.

"How can someone kill an innocent like this? Just for their money and property?"

"They can. They are really smart, that they can trick the police too..." he took another bite of his toast.

My eyes widened.

"And do the police get tricked?"

"There was a case before this too. There was a murder, just for money. But the suspects which the police caught, were innocents. So, the police tricked back the killers, acting as if the innocents were suspects and they were gonna be killed. This made the killers calm, and before their next move, they were arrested..."


I sipped my soup.

"So, the police are smart too..." He nodded.

"But, how do you know all these? I mean, even I watch news, but they didn't told about their strategy in it?" I furrowed my brows and looked at him.



He signalled me to bring my ear forward.

"I was one of those killers..." he whispered.

My eyes widened in shock.


He quickly shut my mouth with his palm, apologizing to people, who were looking at our direction.

"I was just joking! Dumb!" He slowly took his hand off.

I chuckled sarcastically.

"Of course! How can a NERD like you, be a killer!" I flipped my hair and smirked.

He just rolled his eyes.

After we were done, we ordered our favourite icecreams.

I ordered the choco chip one, and he ordered cookies and cream. I took a bite of it, and closed my eyes in pleasure. It was so delicious.

I opened my eyes, to see Jimin staring at me. I raised my spoon and asked,

"You wanna taste?"

He slowly opened his mouth. I chuckled and took a spoonful, and fed him. He really acted cute sometimes, like a baby. And sometimes, he is a jerk.

He tasted it and smiled.

"It's good! Hmm?"

He raised his spoon and offered me. I opened my mouth, but he pulled the spoon further away.

I pouted and tried once more. This time, he took it more farther. I sighed and held his hand, trying to get the icecream. As we kept fighting over a spoon of ice cream, he dragged his hand far away.

I lost my balance, and as I fell, my lips landed on his. My hands held his shoulder, for maintaining my balance. We both looked at each other shocked with widened eyes. My heart beat faster and faster, with each passing second. I could also hear his fastened heart beat against mine.

His lips were soft and cold, because of the icecream. When the sudden realization hit me, I quickly backed away and sat on my seat.

Wait. We kissed! We fucking kissed!?

I calmed myself and quietly ate my icecream. He stared at me and continued with his icecream. I couldn't process any words, I was speechless.

After a while, we headed to the car. We sat on our seats quietly, and he drove me to my home. The whole ride was quiet. I was still thinking about that incident. Many thoughts were running in my mind.

After half an hour, we reached. I got out of the car, and he opened the window.

I took a deep breath, gathered all my courage and spoke,

"I'm s-sorry for what happened today..." I said while fidgeting with my fingers.

I looked at him, and he gave a soft smile.

"It's okay..." But soon, his smile turned to an evil smirk.

"I liked it..." he smirked, while staring at me.

I widened my eyes, and my face was now red like a tomato.

"You pervert!" I said, trying to hide my blushing face.

"Oh y/n, you're blushing. I know you liked it too..." he grinned evilly.

"Shut up!" I said, and quickly took large steps to my house.

"Bye shorty!" He shouted, and drove off.

"Nerd!" I whispered to myself and quickly went to my room. I changed my outfit, and jumped on my bed, while burying my head in the pillows to hide my red face.

Why am I blushing so much?

My heartbeat sped up, as today's incidents replayed in my mind. I don't know why was I thinking so much about him. His face, his eyes, his lips, his hair, his voice....and most importantly, his touch...

He was attractive...and I really felt something under his touch. It was good, and most importantly comfortable. I felt happy around him, and I was me.

Just then, Kai's face appeared infront of me...Jimin is totally opposite of him. He makes me happy, never judges me, and he makes me feel something that Kai didn't. I used to feel uncomfortable under Kai's touch, but Jimin makes me feel comfortable.

He is just a jerk, nerdy and pervert sometimes, which makes me feel like punching him right on his face. But to be honest, he is really a good friend.

I don't know if I feel something for him right now, or am I just attracted to him...

Ugh! Stop thinking so much Y/n! You have school tomorrow! Just sleep, dumbo!

"Oh y/n, you're blushing. I know you liked it too..."

Maybe he was right?...

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