Chapter Thirty-Four: Back to Six

Start from the beginning

"How's it looking, Billy?" Jason asked, as Billy was checking the second decoder. "That should just about do it." Billy said, standing back up. "Then let's hurry." I said. "Let's fire these puppies up." Zack said.

"Hey, do you guys hear that, like really gross sound?" Kim asked. The six of us went quiet, and heard the sound Kim heard. "Oh, yeah." Billy said, looking around. "What is that?" I asked.

The six of us saw Bulk and Skull. "Hey, you guys are in our private park." Bulk claimed. "Yeah, our private park." Skull said, tired. "Actually fellas, this is a public park." Billy told them. "Anyone can visit." He said. "Yeah, anyone but you Brainiac, so get going. Now." Skull said. "Just leave us alone, we got work to do." Trini said.

Bulk and Skull scoffed. "Hey, Bulk. What are those things?" Skull asked, pointing at the decoder. "I don't know, but let's find out." Bulk said. "Hey, you can look, but don't touch." Zack said. "Nobody tells me what to do." Bulk said, he went after Zack, who easily dodges.

Bulk continue chasing after Zack, but only ended up inside of a trash can, and rolled down the hill. Skull went after him.

The six of us saw them stopped at a tree.


After a while, Zack and Trini activated the decoders.

"First decoder's been activated." Billy said.
"Second decoder's activated." Trini said.

"A portal opened." Zack said, seeing a portal. "Zordon, I'm going in." Jason said.

"Good luck, Jason. And may the power protect you." Zordon said.

"I'm ready." Jason said. "Close the portal, after I'm in." He told us. I went towards him, and kissed his cheek. "Good luck." I said. "Thanks, Pete." Jason said, I went back to stood next to the others.

Jason went into the portal, and we turned it off.


It has been a while, since Jason went into the portal. I was getting more and more worried.

"He's been in there for too long." I said, worried. "I agree, he's been in there for way too long." Kim said. "Come on, Jace." Zack said.

"I'm worried about Jace, he should've been back by now." Trini said. "I'm getting more and more anxious, waiting for him." I said. "I'm sure everything's fine, these things just take time." Billy said.

My communicator beeped, and I answered it. "What is it, Zordon?" I asked.

"You must abort the mission, the Green Ranger is in serious trouble." Zordon told us.

"Well, what about Jason?" Billy asked. "He's not back yet." He said.

"One of you will have to enter the portal, and retrieve him." Zordon said.

"I'll go. I'm the only other Ranger, who's been there." I said, I stood in front of the decoders. "Be careful, Hope. Get back both Jason and yourself back safely." Kim said. "Hope, you ready?" Zack asked.

"I'm ready." I said. They turned on the portal, and I went into it.


I appeared in the Dark Dimension, and saw Jason fighting Goldar.

"Jason!" I called, and went towards him.

"You missed your chance!" Goldar told Jason.

"Hope, what are you doing here?" Jason asked. "Jason, you need to come back." I told him. "Tommy's in trouble." I said.

"You're all in trouble now!" Goldar said.

"But if I don't get the candle in time, he'll lose his powers." Jason said. "Jason, I know you want Tommy to get his powers back, but if we don't get there in time to help him, he'll lose his life." I told him.

"Which will you choose, Red Ranger?" Goldar questioned.

"Please, JJ." I pleaded. "Come on." I said, grabbing his hand. The both of us went towards the portal.

"You give up too easily!" Goldar said.

Both Jason and I exit through the portal.


Jason and I got back to the park.

"Jason! Hope! Man, are we glad to see you two." Zack said. "Are you guys okay?" Trini asked. "The candle?" Kim asked.

"I didn't get it." Jason said. "But-" Kim said, but was interrupted. "We'll have to go back." Jason said.

"It's Morphin' Time!" Jason shouted.


"Saber-Tooth Tiger!"

The six of us Morphed, and got onto our Dinozords.

"Log on!" Jason shouted.
"Let's do this!" I shouted.

We formed the Megazord, and appeared in the cockpit. "Morphin'!" We shouted.

"No! You can't take my powers, Rita!" Tommy said. "'Cause I'm the Green Ranger!" He said.

"Ultrazord! Power Up!" We shouted, and formed the Ultrazord.

"Ultrazord Sequence! Complete!" Jason shouted. "Lock on, and fire!" We shouted, we attacked Cyclops with our finishers, and destroyed him.

"Let's get to the Command Center!" Jason shouted, and we jumped off of our Megazord, and teleported towards the Command Center.


The seven of us got to the Command Center.

"I'm going back in, after the candle!" Jason said. "I'm afraid it's too late, Rangers." Zordon said. "The Green Candle has been extinguished." He said. "What?" Kim said. "Then Rita's won?" Tommy asked.

Alpha exclaimed. "There is only one way to stop the transference of power, now." Zordon said. "Green Ranger must give up his Power Coin." He said. "No way, he can't just give up." Kim said. "There's no other choice, Kim." Tommy told her.

"By giving his coin to another Ranger, Tommy can prevent Rita from gaining its power." Zordon said. "It is the only way." He said.

"I guess this is it, huh?" Tommy said. "Well, it's been great." He said, he took out his Power Coin, and handed it to Jason. "Oh, Tommy." Jason said. "Don't worry, I'll be all right." Tommy said, his Dragon Shield disappeared.

The Dragon Dagger and Dragon Shield appeared on Jason. Tommy almost fell, but fortunately we caught him in time.

"It's over, isn't it" Tommy asked. "Yes, I'm afraid so." Zordon said. "And Rita?" Tommy asked. "With the coin in Jason's hands, the power is protected." Zordon said.

"I feel strange inside." Tommy said. "Your body is morphing back to its normal state." Zordon said. "Ah, this is weird." Tommy said, as he glowed green. "You are a strong and courageous fighter, Green Ranger." Zordon said. "And an honorable man." He said.

"Something's happening!" Billy said, and Tommy de-morphed. "Are you okay?" Kim asked. "It as great being a Ranger, Zordon." Tommy said. "It'll always be with me." He said.

"I'm sorry, Tommy." Jason apologized. "We tried to get the candle." He said. "You did what you had to do." Tommy told him. "My powers are with you, now. Use it to defeat Rita." He said. "You can count on it, man." Jason said.

"What's important to me now, is my friendship with all of you." Tommy said. "I don't ever want that to change." He said. "It won't, Tommy." Kim said. "You'll always be one of us." She said.

Today was the day the Green Ranger is no more. But he'll always be one of us, a Power Ranger.

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