Chapter Nineteen: The Rescue

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[Hope Peter Madden]

Jason and I were on the ground, at Goldar's mercy as he prepares to destroy us.

"I've enjoyed this so much, I'm almost sorry to see it end!" Goldar said. "But when my empress commands, I obey!" He stated, he strikes his sword down.

Jason pushed the both of us away, he grabs me and brought me hiding in the mist with him.

Goldar looks around, and start looking for us, randomly striking in the mist. Jason and I continue to hide. "There is no escape, Jason and Hope!" Goldar said.


"You're beginning to make me angry, humans!" Goldar yelled, he was still trying to find us. "Where are you?" He questioned, he strikes his sword down, and almost hit Jason, but luckily Jason moved out of the way. "You're only prolonging the inevitable, Jason and Hope! Show yourselves! Give up! I'll be merciful!" He said.

Jason and I stood back up. Goldar saw us. The both of us kicked Goldar, pushing him down.

"So, Goldar! How does it feel to be outsmarted by a human being?" Jason asked. "Not so tough now, are ya, Goldar!" I said.

"No humans ever defeated Goldar!" Goldar said.

"We'll we're gonna change that!" Jason said. "And you can bet on it!" I said.

Jason and I continue to fight Goldar, but the both of us got knocked back, and fell onto the ground.


"You are not begging me for mercy, humans!" Goldar said. "Because you know I'd never grant it!" He stated. He was going to strike us, but the Green Ranger appeared and stopped him.

"Goldar, stop!" The Green Ranger said. "I thought Rita wanted me to destroy them!" Goldar said. "She wants that pleasure to be mine! And has ordered me personally, to see to their ends!" The Green Ranger said. Goldar teleported away, and the Green Ranger look at us.

"So we meet again." The Green Ranger said. Jason and I stood up. "I've been looking forward to this." He said.

"You wear a Green Ranger's costume, yet your loyalty's with Rita." Jason said. The three of us circled around. Jason pushes me behind him.

"I am her Green Ranger, and she is my empress." The Green Ranger said.

"She's evil!" Jason said.

"Yeah, and so am I." The Green Ranger said.

The three of us bein fighting, and the Green Ranger kicked both me and Jason down.

"Soon, you and your friends will be a memory." The Green Ranger said, and laughs evilly.


Jason kicks the Green Ranger back, and the both of us stood back up. "Hope, stay back! Let me handle this!" He told me. "But-" I was cut off. "Let me handle this!" Jason said.

"Oh, how sweet. The Red Ranger's protecting his little boyfriend." The Green Ranger said.

"Yeah? And this Red Ranger, will do anything to protect him!" Jason declared, and went to attack the Green Ranger. Honestly, I would be blushing, if our current situation wasn't so dire.

"You are a skilled warrior." The Green Ranger told Jason.

"I don't want to fight you." Jason said.

"Because, you know we'll win."

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