Chapter Three: Teamwork

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[Hope Peter Madden]

Trini, Kim and I were in Angel Grove High School. The three of us were leading a cleanup fo the environment.

"Stop the pollution of our neighborhood!" Trini shouted at all the students passing by. "Sign a petition! Help shut the dump site down!" Kim shouted. "We could use all the help we can get!" I shouted. "Come on, you guys! we can hardly smell anymore, let me know that you care, please! Sign up!" Trini said. The three of us were getting a lot of signatures from students.

We saw Mr. Caplan. "Hello, Mr. Caplan." Kim greeted. "Now, this is wonderful." Mr. Caplan said, gesturing at what we're doing, "It's just dandy, that you're trying to clean up the environment, but is this dumpsite as bad as you say?" He asked.

The three of us sighed. "You should see the place, Mr. Caplan. It's an industrial was disaster." Trini said. "I mean, who can stand to pollute the earth like that?" Kim questioned. "We wouldn't want the pollution to cause the climate change to be worst, than it already is." I said. Mr. Caplan nodded.


"Sign a petition, help clean up a dumpsite!" Kim shouted. "We can live in a cleaner environment!" Trini shouted. "Fight pollution! Come on, save our Earth!" I shouted.

Jason, Billy and Zack came over. "Hey ladies, and Hope. What's up?" Zack asked. "Hi/Hey, guys." Trini, Kim and I greeted the others. "Looks like you're attracting a crowd." Jason said, seeing the students around. "Yeah, are you conducting a campaign of some kind?" Billy asked.

"We're gonna deliver these petitions to the dumpsite owners today." Trini told them. "Cool." Zack said. "Good idea." Billy said. "Yeah, maybe we can convince them to clean up the mess." Kim said. "You guys wanna sign?" I asked, handing them the petition.

"Come with us this afternoon, you guys." Trini said. "I'd love to, but I have a karate class that I have to teach later, and- I mean it's a great cause," Jason said, the three of us shrugged agreeing with Jason, "but I can't bug out on my students." He said.

"Well, I must also decline. See, I'm also president of the science fair committee and today is our first meeting." Billy said. We look over to Zack. "I'd love to ladies and Hope, but Alpha he said he had something super important to talk tome about, right away." Zack told us, "I'd promise to meet him, sorry." He apologized.

Zack hands me back the petition. I nodded understandingly. "It's okay." Kim said. "Kimberly, Hope and I will go alone then. But, it will be a lot more impressive if we acted like a team." Trini said.

"Sorry girls and Hope." Jason apologized. "Well, thanks for signing the petition you guys." Trini thanked them. "Yeah, thanks." Kim thanked them. "Thanks." I thanked them. "Good luck." Billy told us, him and Zack walked off. "Bye." Kim said.

Jason was still there. "You sure, the three of you can handle this?" He asked me. "Yeah, I'm sure we can manage." I said, nodding. "Well, alright. But if you need my help, give me a call, alright?" He asked. I laughed. "Don't worry, J. If we really need some help, I'll call. Maybe after your karate class." I told him. "Bye." Jason said, and walked away. "Bye." I said. I look at Trini and Kim, the two of them were smirking. "Don't." I said, shaking my head. The two of them laughed a bit.

The three of us heard someone burping loudly. We look towards the sound, and found Bulk who is the source. "Famous Earth." Bulk said he cracks a soda can dropping it onto the floor, "Recycle that." He told us. Skull laughed. "Get a life, Bulk." Kim said. "Hey! Why don't you take this," Skull said he cracks a soda can, "to the dump with ya, Miss Clean." He said and threw the soda can at us, we ducked.

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