Chapter Twenty-Four: The Spit Flower

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[3rd Person]

It was another day in Angel Grove, an upcoming parade is happening.

Hope was at home, preparing the stuff to bring to the Youth Center, to help Kim with her parade float model.

At that time, a young man with short blonde hair, light blue eyes, wearing a purple jacket and brown pants walks up towards Hope's home. He also was wearing a rose pendant necklace.

Hope was almost done with preparing, until he heard the doorbell ring. "Coming." He said, and went towards the door. He opens it, and was surprised to see the person. "Kaleb?" He said.

"Hey, Hope!" Kaleb Hillard greeted excitedly.

Both Hope and Kaleb squealed, and hugged each other. The both of them let go, after a while.

"I haven't seen you in so long." Hope said. "How've you been, cuz?" He asked.

Yup, that's right, Hope is cousins with Kaleb and his twin-sister.

Kaleb chuckled. "Oh, you know. The usual." He said. "So, wanna catch up?" He asked.

"Uh, sorry Kaleb." Hope said, rubbing the back of his neck. "I can't. I promised Kim, to help her with her parade float." He said.

"Oh, cool. A parade float." Kaleb said, excited. "Can I come with? I'm sure I can help with some stuff. And we can catch up, while we're helping." He said.

"All right." Hope said, shrugging. "Come in." He said, and they both went into his home and picks up the stuff they needed, and head out.


[Hope Peter Madden]

Kaleb and I got to the Youth Center, we saw Kim and Tommy already there.

"Hey, guys." I greeted, alerting them of mine and Kaleb's presence. "Hey." Kim and Tommy greeted back. "Wow, this place looks amazing." Kaleb said, looking around. I chuckled. "It should be, this is where me and my friends usually hang out." I told him.

Both me and Kaleb got to the float model, where Kim and Tommy were. "Who's your friend, Hope?" Kim asked. "Oh, yeah. Guys, this is my cousin." I introduced. Kaleb waved his hand. "Hi. I'm Kaleb." He introduced himself.

"I'm Kimberly." Kim said, she shook hands with Kaleb. "Oh, Kim. I brought some of the stuff you need, mind checking them?" I asked, holding the basket of stuff. "Sure." Kim said, and start checking the content inside of the basket.

[3rd Person]

"Hi, I'm Tommy." Tommy greeted Kaleb, and shook hands with him. "Nice to meet you." Kaleb said.

When both Tommy and Kaleb look into each other's eyes, the both of them felt a tiny spark between them, the same tiny spark they felt when they shook hands. But they choose to ignore it.

The both of them seemed to notice, that they've been holding hands for a while and slowly pulls away. The both of them said nothing, and smiled at each other.

"Have anyone told you, that you might look good in red?" Kaleb suddenly asked, shocking Tommy.

"Um... what?" Tommy asked, confused.

"Sorry. It just my fashion sense." Kaleb said, a bit sheepish. "When I saw someone, I sometime get this feeling that they might look good or better in a different style. Whether that'll be the color, theme, material, etc." He said. "Sometimes, I just blurt it out, so sorry about that." He said.

"It's all right." Tommy said, smiling while looking at Kaleb. Which he didn't notice he was doing.

[Kaleb Hillard]

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