Chapter Thirty-Three: The Green Candle

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[Hope Peter Madden]

Today me and Jason were at my home's garage. Dad wanted my help with cleaning it, and Jason said that he'll help me. Dad had something to do, so he left for a while.

I was wearing a brown jacket, white shirt and beige pants.

"Thanks for helping me cleaning the garage, Jace." I said, thanking him. As the both of us went into the garage.

"No worries, anything to spend some time with my boyfriend." Jason told me. The both of us laughed a bit.

"Come on, let's get to cleaning." I said, turning around and was about to start cleaning, until Jason stopped me.

"Yeah, uh, before that." Jason said, and I turned towards him. "There's something, I wanted to ask you." He said, nervously.

"Sure, what is it?" I asked, a bit confused. But I was smiling.

Jason grabs both my hands, and held them. "Hope, would you do the honor, and be my date to the upcoming dance?" He asked me.

I blinked for a few times, before I burst out in laughter. It was really funny, to the point I couldn't help myself.

"Why are you laughing?" Jason asked.

I calmed down a bit. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and kissed him. "Jace, we're boyfriends. Of course, I'll go to the dance with you." I told him. "I mean, there really wasn't anything to be worried about."

Jason smiled, and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Yeah, yeah, I know. It was stupid." He said.

"I actually think it's quite cute, but you are a bit of an idiot." I said. "But you're my idiot."

Jason smiled, and the both of us kissed again.


Jason and I got to the Command Center, after cleaning up my Dad's garage, and Kim informed us about Tommy's capture.

"Another one of Rita's plans." Kim said, walking back and forth. "She's gonna try and regain control of Tommy. I just know it." She said, worried. "I can't get a lock on him." Zordon informed. "Rita must be holding him, in her dimensional prison." He said.

"Billy, you come up with anything?" Jason asked. "Anything?" I asked. "Not yet, I'm still trying to tune into the frequency on Tommy's Morpher." Billy informed.

The alarm went off. "The alarm!" Alpha exclaimed. "Look! The Viewing Globe." Kim said.

We look at the Viewing Globe, and saw the Dragonzord attacking Angel Grove. "The Dragonzord." Jason said. "It's..." I said. "Attacking Angel Grove." Trini said. "That could only mean one thing." Zack said. "Rita has regained control, of the Dragonzord." Zordon said. We look at each other worried.

We continue watching, as the Dragonzord attacked Angel Grove. "We got to stop it." Jason said. "And fast." I said. "What about Tommy?" Kim asked. "We'll have to take him down too." Zack said.

"Wait, my sensors indicates the Dragonzord we see, is an imposter." Zordon informed. "One of Rita's creations?" Trini asked. "She's trying to lure us into a trap." Billy said. "We have no choice, it's attacking the city." I said. "Hope's right, we don't have a choice, it's got to be stopped." Jason said. "Be careful, Power Rangers." Zordon said.

"It's Morphin' Time!" Jason shouted.


"Saber-Tooth Tiger!"

The six of us Morphed, and appeared where Goldar is.

"Crush them!" Goldar ordered, the Putties ran towards us. We begin fighting them.

Jason got out his Power sword, and fought against Goldar.

The Dragonzord Imposter kept attacking the city.

"It's Destroying the city!" Jason exclaimed. "We gotta do something, and fast!" He said. We were still fighting against the Putties, as the Dragonzord Imposter kept attacking the city. "We need Dinozord Power! Now!" He shouted, and our Dinozords appeared.

The six of us jumped onto our Dinozords.

"Log on!" Jason shouted.
"Let's do this!" I shouted.
"Mastodon, ready to rock!" Zack shouted.
"Triceratops, online!" Billy shouted.
"Saber-Tooth Tiger, set!" Trini shouted.
"Pterodactyl, powered up!" Kim shouted.

"Power Up, your Crystals!" Jason shouted. "Now!" I shouted. "Two! One! Power Up!" The others shouted. We placed our Power Crystals in.

"Okay, Power Rangers! Let's do it!" Jason shouted. Our Dinozords combined, and formed the Megazord Tank Mode. "Let's show 'em, some Megazord Power!" He shouted. "Megazord Sequence has been Initiated." The system informed. Our Megazord went from Tank Mode to Battle Mode. "Megazord Activated." The system informed.

We begin fighting the Dragonzord Imposter, but it was difficult. It attacked us, and our Megazords shakes a bit. It attacked us with its tail, and we got knocked back.

"Man! It's just as Powerful, as the real Dragonzord!" Jason exclaimed. "And that's not a good thing!" I exclaimed. "Yeah, if Rita controls him, what if we can't defeat him?" Kim asked.

"We've got to!" Zack said. "But how?" Kim asked. "We can do it, if we got Tommy's help!" Jason said. "Rangers, we gotta pull it together, until he gets here!" He said.


Tommy appeared, and he played his flute. But it took a few tries, before his Dragonzord appeared.

We were still fighting against the Dragonzord Imposter, until Tommy's Dragonzord appeared. "Hey! Here comes the real Dragonzord!" Zack said. "Look!" Jason said.

Tommy's Dragonzord attacked the Dragonzord Imposter, and it was revealed to be Cyclops. "Look! He must've hurt him, he can't hold his shape anymore!" Jason said.

Cyclops kept trying to take the forms of either our Megazord and Tommy's Dragonzord, but it couldn't hold. We tried to went after it, but it retreated.

"Way to go, Tommy! Glad you're back!" Jason said. "I'm a Power Rangers, till the end!" Tommy said.


The seven of us are back in the Command Center. Alpha was scanning Tommy with a device.

"What is Alpha doing?" Kim asked. "He's scanning Tommy for internal damage, due to crossing dimensions." Billy said. "You're all clear." Alpha told Tommy.

Tommy breathe a sigh of relief. "Thanks, Alpha." He said. "You are welcome." Alpha said. "Man, I'm just glad, I was able to get out of there." Tommy said. "Hey, I remembered Rita's secret dimension, that's one bad place." Jason said. "You can say that again." I said, remembering the time Jason and I were trapped there.

"The important thing is, Tommy you're okay." Kim said. "Am I?" Tommy asked. "According to Rita, my power is gonna be gone soon." He said. "She's just bluffing Tommy, she's trying to scare you." Trini told him. "How would she be able to take away your power?" She asked.

"I'm afraid, it is possible. Rangers." Zordon informed, and we turned towards him. "Zordon, then you've found out something about the Green Candle, I told you about." Tommy said. "Yes, Rita has a special form of wax, from the Gamma Tri System." Zordon said. "Once touched, it retains a person's body energy." He said.

"But I never touched anything." Tommy said. "You did, when you worked for Rita." Zordon said. "No way." Kim said. "And she's been saving the wax, all this time?" She asked. "Yes, and now she has made a candle from the wax, and cast a spell over it." Zordon said. "Connecting the Green Ranger's power, with its flame." He told us.

"Then Rita wasn't bluffing." Tommy said. "Once the Green candle burns out, I'm history. The Green Ranger's, finished." He said.


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