Chapter Fourteen: Foul Play in the Sky

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[Hope Peter Madden]

Jason, Zack and I were at the Youth Center.

Jason was training, he was punching the punching bag. While Zack holds it. I stood at the side, watching him.

Jason stops after a while, and was panting. "Oh, man. Oh, man there she is." Zack said, looking at Angela. "Who?" Jason asked. "Angela. Oh, the girl of my dreams." Zack said, leaning on the punching bag. Jason and I laughed. "Did she even know, you're alive?" He asked. "She will in a minute. Watch and learn." Zack told us, and he walked towards Angela. "Good luck." I told him.

I grabbed a towel. "J, you're sweating." I told him, and starts wiping his sweat using the towel. "Whoa, what's all this all of a sudden?" Jason asked, but was smiling. I chuckled. "Come on, I just don't want my friend to stink the whole day." I said.

"Really? You sure that it's not because you're concern about me?" Jason teased. I playfully rolled my eyes. "Yeah, yeah, I'm concerned about you and your health, happy?" I asked. Jason was grinning. The both of us laughed, and continue watching Zack.

Jason and I saw Zack being turned down, and look away.


Jason, Billy, Zack, Trini and I appeared at the Command Center. We were informed about Kimberly being stuck in the air.

"There is no need to panic yet, Power Rangers." Zordon told us. "Kimberly is a very bright and capable girl. And the aircraft is no longer losing altitude." He said. "Aye, ay, ay, ay, ay, she doesn't have much left in it, to lose!" Alpha said.

The five of us went towards the Viewing Globe. "We must help Kimberly to gain control of the plane, and turn it around." Zordon said. "Her fuel supply is running dangerously low." He said.

"Oh, man." Jason said. "This isn't good." I said. "Dang. Check it out." Zack said, pointing at the Viewing Globe. "Oh no, the plane's heading right for the mountains!" Trini exclaimed.

The alarm went off.

Alpha exclaimed. "Second Stage Alert!" He said. "That is why I summoned you." Zordon said. "What now?" Zack asked. "Rita's latest monster is wrecking havoc in Angel Grove Park." Zordon told us.

"We gotta go now." Jason said. "And fast." I said. "Alpha, take care of Kimberly." Trini said. "I will. Just be careful fighting Snizzard." Alpha told us.

"It's Morphin' Time, guys!" Jason shouted.


"Saber-Toothed Tiger!"

The five of us Morphed, and appeared where Snizzard is at the park.

We got out our Blade Blasters and attacks Snizzard, but he blocks it and knocks us all back. "Blade Blasters, Up!" Jason shouted. We changed our Blade Blasters Mode from Blade Mode to Sword Mode. "Fire!" Jason shouted, we fired at Snizzard but it got deflected back at us, and we fell.

"Your weapons are no match for me!" Snizzard said. "That apple on his head! It reflected all our powers, right back at us!" Trini exclaimed. "Now, you shall taste my firepower!" Snizzard said, he ran towards us, and attacked us.

Snizzard attacked Jason with his tail, and Jason fell back. We went towards Jason.


Snizzard attacked us with snakes, which wrapped around each of us.

"Oh no! Snakes!" Trini exclaimed. "Can't get it off me!" Zack exclaimed. "I can hardly move!" Billy exclaimed.

"Feel my power, draining your energy! You foolish Power Rangers!" Snizzard said.

The five of us were struggling with the snakes. "He's right!" Jason said. "We're getting weaker!" He said.

Snizzard grabbed both Trini and Zack, and pushed them away. He attacked us, and we fell again.


"Now! You will feel the full power, of the Zapper Apple!" Snizzard said, he puts an arrow onto the Zapper Arrow.

"You won't get away with this!" Trini shouted.

"Goodbye! Power Ranger!" Snizzard said, he prepares to fire his arrow. But his arrow was cut in half.

"Leave my friends alone! You snake!" Kim shouted, holding her Power Bow.

"Putties! Attack!" Snizzard shouted, Putty Patrols appeared and went towards Kimberly.

Kim fought against the Putty Patrols, and defeated them. "Are you guys, all right?" She asked, and came towards us. We stood up, and she cuts the snakes off of us.

"You haven't defeated me yet, Power Rangers!" Snizzard said. "Tonsil Snakes! Attack!" He yelled. Kim fired at the Tonsil Snakes, destroying them. "Curse you, and your Power Bow!" He yelled.

"Kimberly! Aim for the apple on top of his head!" Jason said. "That's where his weak spot is!" I said. "You got it!" Kim said, she charges up her arrow and released it, destroying the apple and Snizzard with it.

"Nice shot!" Zack said. "Great job!" I said. "Nobody snakes the Power Rangers!" Jason said.


The six of us were back at the Youth Center.

Trini was sparring with a guy, Billy watches them.

Kim was being flirted by a guy.

Jason, Zack and I pretending to be disgusted. The three of us laughed. I was sitting on Jason's right.

Jason starts pretending, he puts his left hand under his chin. "Oh man, you don't really mean that do you?" He asked, his voice soft and his eyes were looking at me. I put my right hand under my chin and my right cheek, and leans on it. I look at Jason. "Tell me more, you big strong hunk of a man, you." I said, my voice was soft, and a surprisingly a bit seductive.

Jason's eyes widened a bit, and his face blushed a bit. "Oh man, that's funny." Zack said. He turns around, and accidentally bumps into Angela, knocking her tray of drinks into the air.

The drinks fell onto Bulk and Skull, and everyone laughed.

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