Chapter Four: A Pressing Engagement

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[Hope Peter Madden]

Me and my friends were at the Youth Center. Jason was trying to break the Bench-Pressing Record. Ernie was the spotter. I was watching, with a bunch of other people. I was wearing a white shirt and black shorts.

"Keep going pal, you're doing great." Ernie said, he continues counting. More people saw Jason trying to break the record, and gathered. "Come on, Jace. You can do it." Ernie said. "Come on, J. I believe in you." I cheered.

Kim was practicing her gymnastics. "A thousand-and-ten and you break the record." Ernie told Jason. Ernie took a sip of his drink and took a bite out of his sandwich, "That's it, nice and steady. By the way, what number are we on?" He asked. "Nine-Hundred-and-Ninety-Five." Jason said, struggling a bit. Ernie nodded and continue counting.

Kim finished her practicing came over, "Sup, what numbers are you on?" She asked. "A-Hundred-and-Four." Ernie said with his mouth full of food. "Once more, please. Without the sub." Kim said. Ernie swallowed the sub, "A-Thousand-and-three." He said. "Yes. Jason, you're gonna do it." Kim said. "Keep going, J." I said. "Come on, a-Thousand-and-Four. Kid, you're almost there, a-Thousand-and-Five." Ernie counted.

"I am so nervous, he's gonna break the record." Kim said. "Angel Grove High, is gonna have a new winner." Ernie said. "Ernie, what number am I on?" Jason asked. "A-Thousand-and... Uh-oh, I lost count." Ernie said. Kim's bubblegum bubble she blew popped. "Oh no." I said. "Can you start again?" Ernie asked. Jason sighed tiredly and dropped the weight.


Jason was still doing bench presses, he got back to where he was previously.

"One-Thousand-and-Eight." Ernie counted, "Come on, Jason. You can do it. You can do it." He cheered, "One-Thousand-and-Nine. One more Jason, you can do it buddy, you can do it."

Zack was on his skateboard. Jason was almost able to break the record. "Hey, guys. Look at Kimberly." Someone said. The people around look at Kim  who was blowing a huge bubblegum bubble. Zack wasn't paying attention, he skated towards the bubble popping it. The bubblegum got on both Kim and Zack's faces. Jason dropped the weight.

"Gross me out." Kim said, getting the bubblegum out. "Wipe out." Zack said, and laughed. Jason sighed. I stroke Jason's hair, trying to comfort him.


Jason, Zack and I were sitting at a table. Kim was on the balance beam again.

"So, what do you say, Jace?" Zack asked, "Am I forgiven?" He asked. "Apology..." Jason trailed off, pretending to think for a bit, "accepted." He finished. Zack claps, "Gentlemen, root shakes on the Zack man. All right." He said. "Ernie, another round please." I called.

Kim sat down at the table. "Um, Kimberly, about the, the, you know, the skateboard, and, uh, you know... Bubblegum." Zack said, "I just wanna-" He was interrupted. "Apologize? Forget it, it's casual." Kim said.

"You know, guys." Jason said, he looks around to see if anyone was paying attention. "I'm kinda bummed about this bench press record thing, I mean I don't wanna be known as a quitter." He said. "A quitter?!" Zack exclaimed, a bit loudly. Jason shushes him. "A quitter?" Zack questioned, quietly.

Bulk and Skull came towards us laughing. "Hi, pinhead." Bulk greeted Jason, "I heard you choked today. The bench press record's still mine." He said, he grabs Jason from behind and lifted him up from his seat. "You two are bad dreams, let him go, Bulk." Zack said, standing up. "Let him go, you jerks." I said, standing up. "Hey, I got this." Jason reassured us. Zack and I sat back down.

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