Chapter Nine: For Whom The Bell Trolls

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[Hope Peter Angelo]

The six of us were at class. It was the stat of the day for Hobby Week.

"Class. Alright, class." Ms. Appleby said. "Today we begin Hobby Week. And to start us off, Trini had volunteered to share her interest with us." She told us. "Trini?" She called. "Thanks, Ms. Appleby." Trini said, she stood up from her desk, and push a cart full of dolls to the front.

"I want to show you guys my collection of dolls." Trini said. "It represents many cultures, from around the world." She said. And some of the students were interested. "This doll here, is from Japan." She said, pointing at it. "It wears an authentic kimono." She said.

"Yeah, cute." Bulk mocked. "Yeah, cute." Skull repeated. We ignored them. "And this here is my favorite of them all, Mr. Ticklesneezer." Trini said, holding up Mr. Ticklesneezer. "It belonged to my mother, when she was a little girl. Legend has it-" She picks up a book. "-that Mr. Ticklesneezer has his own unique powers-" She continue to explain about Mr. Ticklesneezer.

After a while, Trini was down and sat back at her seat.

"Alrighty, Hope. You're next with your hobby." Ms. Appleby said.

"Um, Ms. Appleby. Can I, maybe, show mine tomorrow?" I asked. "I haven't prepare it, yet." I said.

"Oh, that's all right, Hope. Jason, how about you show yours." Ms. Appleby said.

Jason showed his Bo Staff demonstration.

Zack showed his surfing skill.

Kim showed her gymnastic skills, by doing a handstand.

Billy showed us how a volcano erupt from his diorama.

"Very nice, Billy." Ms. Appleby said. The school bell rang. "We'll continue with hobby week, tomorrow class. Remember, tonight in your English book, read Chapter Four: Questions marks, why do we need them?" She said.


I was back at home, in my room. I was sitting on my desk, thinking.

I kept trying to think of things to show for Hobby Week, but a lot of them aren't even things I like enough to show them. I could've gone with gymnastics, but it just doesn't suit me all that well. I was getting very frustrated.

There was a knock at my door. "Come in." I said. The door opened, and my dad: Chris came in. "Hey, champ." Dad greeted, he came in and close the door behind him. "How's it going?" He asked, sitting on the end of my bed.

I sighed exhausted. "Don't have to remind me. It's not going to well." I told him. Dad chuckled. "Still couldn't think of something, huh?" He asked. I hummed and nodded. "Yup." I said. "Well, it's just my opinion but, why don't you try singing?" Dad asked.

"Singing?" I asked. "Dad, I haven't sang a song since I was a kid." I told him. "And you were great." Dad told me. "You did well for a kid, I'll tell you that." He said. "I don't know, Dad. I mean, how can you know that I can still sing, after all this time?" I asked

Dad shrugged. "I don't know. But you won't know, until you try, right?" He asked. He stood up, and went towards the door. "Oh, and dinner's almost ready." He told me, and left my room.

I turned back towards my desk. I took a deep breath. "Okay. Let's do this." I said, and turned on the radio that was on my desk.


It was the next day, and it was the day Hobby Week ended.

"Okay, class. We have two final presentation to complete Hobby Week." Ms. Appleby said. "Please, give your full attention to Hope." She said, and stood at the side.

I got up from my desk. "Good luck." Jason told me. "Thanks." I thanked him. I went towards the front, and stood there. "First off, I want to say, thinking of what I want to present for Hobby Week, was hard for me." I said. "I spent a lot of time thinking of what I could present, and all it took was for my dad to suggest something that I haven't done in a while. And I wanna say, thanks dad."

The students and Ms. Appleby awed. "Now for my hobby." I said, I got out a music player and puts it on the desk. "Singing." I said, and took out a hospital. I turned on the music player.

{Just Dance by Lady Gaga}


I've had a little bit too much, much (oh, oh, oh)
All of the people start to rush (start to rush by)
A dizzy twister dance, can't find my drink or man
Where are my keys? I lost my phone, phone (oh, oh, oh)

I start to sing, and went towards the row my friends were in.

What's goin' on on the floor?
I love this record, baby, but I can't see straight anymore (woo!)
Keep it cool, what's the name of this club?
I can't remember but it's alright, a-alright

I sang, as I make my way one by one from Billy to Trini to Kim to Zack, and finally Jason.
I leaned on Jason's desk looking at him. I smiled and wink at him.

I got up, as I start singing the chorus.

Just dance, gonna be okay, da da doo-doo-mmm
Just dance, spin that record, babe, da da doo-doo-mmm
Just dance, gonna be okay, d-d-d-dance
Dance, dance, just, j-j-just dance

I sang the chorus, and walked around the class. The students clapped along to the lyrics, as I sang. Ms. Appleby was clapping as well.

Use your muscle, carve it out, work it, hustle
I got it, just stay close enough to get it on

I begin singing the last few parts of the song, and made my way towards Jason.
I stood behind him, placed both my hands on his shoulders, look at him from left and right. I winked at him, again. Patted his shoulders, and went towards the others.

Don't slow!
Drive it, clean it, lights out, bleed it, spend the lasto
I got it
In your pocko
I got it

I went towards Kim and Zack, and fist-bumped with them.
I went towards Trini and Billy, and high-fived with them.
I went and stood in front of the class again.

Just dance, gonna be okay, da da doo-doo-mmm
Just dance, spin that record babe, da da doo-doo-mmm
Just dance (baby), gonna be okay, da da doo-doo-mmm
Just dance, spin that record babe, da da doo-doo-mmm (baby, yeah)
Just dance, gonna be okay, d-d-d-dance (spin that record, baby, yeah)
Dance, dance, just, j-j-just dance

I finished singing the song, as it ended.

Everyone in the class stood up and applause for me. I thanked everyone, and went back to my seat.

Ms. Appleby stood back in front of the class. "And now, for our final presentation to complete Hobby Week." She said. She scratched her side. "Please give your full attention, to Farkas and Eugene." She said.

Bulk and Skull stood in front of the class. Skull was holding an item, that is covered by a red cover. "We like parasites." Bulk said. "Yeah, parasites." Skull said.

The six of us were confused. And it seems like, even the rest of the class was confused.

"We pick up fleas off the stray dogs in the neighborhood." Bulk said. Some students laughed. "Show them, Skull." He told Skull. Skull pulls up the cover, revealing a mini circus.

"A flea circus." Bulk said. Everyone look at the circus closely, not seeing any fleas. Bulk looks at it. "Skull, where are the fleas?" He asked. Skull saw the fleas missing.

Everyone looked over to Ms. Appleby and saw her scratching herself. It seems like the fleas have got onto Ms. Appleby.

Everyone in the class laughed, and Hobby Week has officially ended.

A/N: Chris' Profile will be added later.

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