Keep me up 'til 4 a.m., I'll stay up for you...

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Tamaki's busy a lot. And you know that. Of course you do, he's a new up and coming pro hero, and you love him for everything he does to help out anyone that needs it. It's just a little disappointing sometimes, to find that once again he's left before you've woken up and that he isn't home before you're climbing back into bed. So even if you aren't awake for them, you cherish the cuddles and touches that you get throughout the night, when he's come home to you for some much needed sleep.

He usually doesn't even wake you up. He manages to shower and slip into bed with you, resting an arm over you, without so much as disturbing your dreams.

If you didn't find the evidence that he'd been home, his towel in the bathroom still holding some dampness, his dirty clothes being haphazardly thrown in the laundry basket, a little note on the kitchen counter explaining what he made for breakfast and that he made some for you too, you'd find it hard to believe that he was there at all.

Usually he could manage to get some free time to spend with you and his friends, but a couple of heroes at the agency he's working with were injured recently, so he's working extra hard to pick up the slack and take over the patrols and deal with the situations that would usually be theirs. And not seeing him, really seeing him, is making you start to feel a little empty.

To put it simply, you missed him. How could you not? If not for work, friends, and events that you had to deal with that were out of your control, you and Tamaki would be joined at the hip.

You were comfortable with each other. Able to be around each other without feeling crowded and judged and without getting sick of having the other around. It was just nice to be with someone you loved, to know that you were together and that you were both safe for once.

You missed that feeling. And it started to keep you up at night.

Just tonight, you had to see him, just to make sure he's really okay and just swamped with work, not hurt or hiding anything from you.

Of course, you didn't think he'd ever do something like cheat on you, but he would somehow miraculously forget to tell you things that he thought would make you worry.

So you stayed up, later into the night than you usually would, until you heard the quiet tell-tale noises of steps coming to your bedroom. You were keeping yourself entertained by messing around on your phone, but as soon as you heard him, you clicked the screen off.

"Hey." Your voice came out quiet and a little breathy. It was so nice to see him again. He still looked like him, of course, but just from a glance you could tell that he's exhausted.

He stopped in the doorway. He looked bewildered seeing you awake.

"Hey." Tamaki said. His voice was hushed and went up a little at the end of the word, like he was confused, asking a question, "I thought you'd be asleep by now."

"Yeah, well, I should be. Just wanted to see you."

"You didn't have to stay up for me." As he said it, he crossed the room, and stopped when he was in front of you sitting on the bed.

He leaned down to you as you told him, "I know. Wanted to. Missed you."

He gently rested his forehead against yours. "Missed you too." A chaste kiss was placed on your lips. "Just let me shower real quick and I'll come to bed."

When he tried to pull away, you held onto him, one hand on his shoulder and the other on his wrist. "No, stay." You pouted up at him.

His eyebrows furrowed and raised a little, "I'm dirty."

"Mmm. Don't care. Stay. Cuddle."

"M'kay, I guess I can always shower in the morning." A small smile formed on his lips.

Tamaki Amajiki SmutsWhere stories live. Discover now