A New Kind of Understanding

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When you transferred to UA, the first thing you noticed were the Big Three. Mirio Togata, the ray of sunshine looking to make everyone's life or even day, a bit better. Nejire Hado, the sweet older sister to every other student in your class. You noticed Tamaki Amajiki last, but, that's alright, since you spent the most time looking at him.

His messy but somehow still kempt indigo hair.

His deep, dark blue eyes.

His longer, elf-like ears.

Even his shy demeanor.

You were instantly enamored with him. The first day of class came and went more quickly than you could have imagined. As you were packing up your things to go back to your dorm, Mirio walked up with his ever-bright smile. Following closely behind him, Nejire poked her head from his back to smile and wave at you, the blue-haired boy in tow.

"Hey there, Y/N!" Mirio spoke with confidence, his eyes sparkling in excitement to meet this new student. "My name is Mirio Togata, and I wanted to welcome you here to UA!" He held out his hand to shake your own. Looking up at him, you smiled softly and shook his hand.

"Thank you for the welcome... You're in the Big Three, right?" He nodded, turning to give Nejire and Tamaki more space to get closer and speak with you.
"I'm Neijire Hado, and this is Tamaki Amajiki. We're technically the 'Big Three' but please don't let that scare you! We're normal students like the rest of the class!" She smiled brightly, tugging Tamaki to turn and talk to you. Looking at you, he glances up, still hunched over.

"U-Uhm.... Hi, Y/N... I-Uh..." He looked back down. "It's... Really nice t-to meet you..." He ran to the nearby wall, pressing his forehead against it. ".... I want... to go home..."

You laugh softly, trying not to take the action too personally. "Well, lucky for you, it's the end of the day and we can go back to our dorms now." His ears perked up at that, turning his face to look at you again.

"O-Oh! You're right!" He looked genuinely excited and you couldn't help but blush by the cute look on his face. This boy was special to you, you could already tell.

For the next few months, you'd spend time with Mirio and the gang since they were the first ones to openly welcome you to UA. They allowed you into their friend group with open arms, talking to you about their quirks along with the rest of your class'. You slowly were able to pull Tamaki out of his shell, but only when the four of you were alone. He became more comfortable sitting with you, not feeling the need to hide his face any more.

You fell for him and you fell hard. Every little thing about him was perfect to you. His shy demeanor along with his slightly more confident one as he became more comfortable. You were desperate to see what he looked like when he was sure of himself, catching glimpses of it when he sparred in class. You could tell there was so much to this man that he kept closed off, and you just wanted to dive in and explore it all. He was so loving and sweet when it came to you. You took care of each other during panic attacks, as well as recovering from them. You both knew anxiety more intimately than the other two of the friend group. You understood why he was so shy and reserved, and he understood why you were open and vulnerable. There was an understanding between the two of you that not many people had.

You had been at UA for about 4 months when you decided to tell Tamaki how you felt. However, you knew anxiety might get the better of him, so instead of telling him face-to-face you wrote him a heartfelt note and told him that he could meet you in your dorm at the end of the school day to talk about it.

"Dear Tamaki,

I'm not sure if you'll see this coming, but you are incredibly important to me. You have stepped out of your comfort zone to get to know me, you take time out of your incredibly stressful day to take care of me. We both know the stress of anxiety, even if we feel different kinds. You made the effort to learn what made me feel safe and calm, and I did my best to do the same for you. Everything about you makes me feel comfortable, you don't even have to try. But you do.

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