My Apologies

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You remove your fingers from your core and attempt to breathe through your nostrils. It’s embarrassingly hot in the room and the silk sheets are clinging to the back of your thighs as well as your neck. You’re furious and frustrated all at once, but more than anything, you’re horny. The day had obviously been shitty so it’s only natural for your body to fight stress with stress. You stare at the’s already 9 p.m. You listen for the door against your will but hear nothing but your own shallow breaths. 

“Mighty late, asshole,” you mutter to yourself before resuming your previous activity. The anger is so strong that somewhere between the last 15 minutes, you stopped self-lubricating. After reaching into the drawer for a bottle of already opened lube, you scoff when you see it’s nearly empty. The fact that it was his turn to replace only makes your irritation swell before inhaling and squeezing out what is left. Need to make this quick. 

Your warm fingers return shakily to your folds and teases the room temperature liquid around your center before slipping three fingers in. It feels good but nowhere close to what you need right now. You try to curl the digits upward only to barely graze against your G-spot and nothing more. You feel like you’re going to cry. Trying again only proves the feat to be impossible and so you settle for pumping your nubs in and out while using the other hand to viciously work your clit. The pressure builds steadily as you think about anything--literally anything. You imagine lightly calloused hands running over your body and pinching your nipples. You envision teeth nipping, biting, and sucking on your neck then coming back up for a tender kiss.

Fuck, you’re so close that you can feel it in your toes. You just need one more push. 

You imagine a soft, whiny voice moaning your name in your right ear. Your body racks with shivers as you work your womanhood faster. Eventually, your brain is a mantra of Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! And suddenly your back arches off of the bed. Your lips part and--

The bedroom door flies wide open.

Already aware of who it is, your peak reaches a crashing stop and you sigh loudly. It’s not quite a rageful sigh but more like a disappointed sigh. You really wanted that nut.

“Ah, I-I’m sorry I didn’t realize you were um...busy. I c-can go if you’d-” He starts but you have already beat him to it. 

“Tamaki don’t. It’s fine, I wasn’t going to be satisfied with it anyway.”

Tamaki nods and they sit in a semi-awkward silence. He inches further into the room and begins to strip himself of his work clothes. His hood is sullied with what appears to be blood but from the dark pigment of it, you can tell it’s not his. He’s in the process of undoing the second to last button on his undershirt when you speak up.

“Why didn’t you say anything sooner? knew how I would feel if I found out so why didn’t you just tell me yourself? Is it because you don’t trust me?”

Tamaki perks up and whips his head around faster than you can register. His face is a mixture of regret and sadness but you won’t let it sway your emotions. He starts to speak but it’s jumbled and wavering so he tries again after swallowing.

“N-no! Not at all! Love, I...I trust you and only you with my life. I’m not sure why I didn’t tell you. I was afraid of your reaction but I was also afraid of hurting Yuna-chan’s feelings. She was always so kind and to deny her felt wrong.”

Tamaki Amajiki SmutsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant