Sunshine/Stratus/Victory/Infinity (Era 5)

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Basic info

Sunshine is our newest ghoulette, and joined Ghost in 2022. Sunshine is the fourth ghoulette Ghost has ever had, and is the third multi-ghoul (if you count Cirrus). She is the second tallest ghoulette, and is a bit taller than Cumulus. Note that some people do call her other names such as:




or Motley

But the majority of fans have agreed on Sunshine. 

- More slim than Cumulus, has a similar build to Cirrus

- From the crowd's view, she on the far right platform which is right next to Cumulus's

- She does backing vocals, so her mouth is uncovered

- Doesn't wear any rings, a tell-tale sign to differentiate her from Cirrus

- More affectionate towards the ghoulettes 

- Her and Cumulus often play tambourine together and vibe, and they end up syncing up OWSOWNSNEDGIW I LOVE THEM SO MUCHHHH

- Plays the tambourine and percussive shaker. Some sources say she assists on keys but that doesn't make sense since she doesn't have any keys on her platform, so I'm debunking that

Officially, Sunshine is the 2nd Multi-ghoul, but if you consider Cirrus a multi-ghoul then Sunshine is the 3rd multi. It all depends on whether you think Cirrus is a multi.


Sunshine plays a few instruments, but doesn't play as many as Cirrus or Swiss does. She plays the tambourine, a percussive shaker (I just call it a rattle) and she does backing vocals with Cumulus and Cirrus. 


Sunshine radiates chaotic, loyal and wholesome younger sister energy. She's very kind and wholesome with Cumulus and Cirrus, but more notably Cumulus (since they're beside each other). I really wish I could say more about Sunshine's temperament, but sadly we don't get to see much of her.


When it comes to the ghoulettes, it's better to look at their masks (which I frequently do and am learning) or look at their bodies. Sunshine is the second tallest ghoulette, being just a few inches taller than Cumulus. This, and the fact that her and Cirrus have similar body types, gets them mixed up all the time. Really the only time when you may have trouble telling who's who out of Cirrus and Sunshine is in pictures where you can't see the mask and you can't see their hands properly. That's when you should refer to height, and remember that Sunshine is a little bit smaller than Cirrus. 


Like all the other ghouls, Sunshine has the same basic outfit (with a few variations). She has the same shirt and wears the same pants. When it comes to her wearing her jacket, I'd say its 50/50. I've seen her wear it in concert, and I've seen her not wearing it. I can say though, I've never seen her wearing the ghape in concert. Although, in out-of-concert photos, she's always wearing it. 

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