Rain (Era 5)

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Basic info

Rain, like Swiss, has been in Ghost for about 5 years(?), being first introduced in Era 4. Rain joined to replace Dew as the bassist since Dew was promoted to lead guitarist. He's on the shorter side, being taller than Dew but smaller than all the other male ghouls. 

- Usually on the middle stage hanging out and vibing with Mountain but also walks around

- Most people call him shy, but he's not really that shy. He's actually just calm and chill, compared to the other ghouls. Although he is more confident in this era compared to era 4

- Two rings on his right hand, one is his wedding ring

- Has a mouth covering, but unlike Dew you CAN see the outline of his lips and see his nose painted black

- Occasionally has a hair tie on his wrist

- Supposedly has a tattoo on his wrist, but I couldn't find any pictures so don't quote me on this

- Likes to face Mountain and play the bass for him

- Does a flamingo-like thing with his legs

Rain is the 7th water/(bassist), and he joined in Era 4.


Because Rain is the bassist, he plays the bass. Rain mostly plays a white bass with a black pickguard, but he also sometimes switches to his all-black bass. He has always played his regular black and white bass, but the all black one seems fairly new, seeming to appear in Era 5. 

His normal bass ^

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His normal bass ^

His normal bass ^

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The black one ^^

A lot of new fans mix up Rain and Dew because they're similar in height and their guitars look (somewhat) similar. Here are a few key differences between Rain and Dew to help you tell them apart!

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