Aether (Era 5)

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Basic info

Aether, like Dew, has been in Ghost for about 6 years, joining the same year Dew joined. He was in the ending years of Meliora (despite being mixed up with past quintessence ghouls a lot), all of Prequelle and all of Impera. He's not the tallest ghoul, but is definitely not on the shorter side cough cough Dewdrop cough cough

- Regarding height, he's closer to Swiss's height                                                                                                     

- One of the more..calm ghouls. But that doesn't mean he can't be energetic!                                        

- Sleeves are almost always rolled up, unlike Dew, you can actually see his forearms                          

 - Stands on the left side of the stage (crowd view) usually, especially during songs where he does backup vocals                                                                                                                                                              

- Jumps. Does lots of jumps, little jumps, big jumps.                                                                                            

- Gets bullied by Dew                                                                                                                                                          

 - Guitar duels with Dew                                                                                                                                                      

- Wears rings on both of his middle fingers and has bracelets on both wrists                                            

- The banana ghoul. If you see a ghoul with bananas it's 100% Aether                                                        

 - Does backing vocals so on the left side of the stage he has a microphone                                              

- Once shotgunned a vape from Dew (it's Swiss's vape). Also once kissed Swiss onstage                    

- No mouth covering, you can see his nose and lips painted black

Aether is the 3rd quintessence/(rhythm guitarist), and he joined in Era 3. 


Because Aether is the rhythm guitarist, he plays the guitar (duh). Aether plays a black Fantomen (I think? I know next to nothing about guitars so lemme know if I got something wrong) with a white border. He's played this guitar since Era 3, and I believe he has not changed guitars. Aether also does backing vocals. He started doing this in the Pale Tour. 


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