Chapter 18

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Lovin' you is easy cause you're beautiful
Makin' love with you is all I wanna do
Lovin' you is more than just a dream come true
And everything that I do is out of lovin' you

- 'Lovin' You' by Minnie Riperton

Aliyah and Neteyam approached the rest of the group while holding hands, feeling as close as ever. Aliyah's legs were wobbly, and she felt an ache in her inner thighs ever since she woke up this morning.
Ma'ko noticed them from a distance, and a bright smile appeared on his face as he yelled out, "Guys, the lovebirds have decided to join us!"
The rest of the group's heads whipped around to them, and Kiri squinted her eyes, "Why are you walking like that, Ali?"
Aliyah's face reddened, "Uhm, what do you mean? I always walk like this!"
Ao'nung laughed, "What, like you've just learned to take your first steps?"
Before Aliyah had time to come up with a clever response, Ma'ko's loud voice boomed, "What's that on your stomach, Neteyam?" He leaned over a bit to inspect the bruises left by Aliyah's mouth the night before, "Are those... hickeys?" 
Neteyam glanced at Aliyah and tried to pull up his cloth over the bruises, which unfortunately didn't work. His mouth hung open and his expression flustered, "No! I ... uhm ... I got attacked by a ... a suckerfish!" He nodded excitedly, happy his brain could come up with a reason this fast. Aliyah grunted and slapped her forehead with the palm of her hand, knowing his explanation wasn't very believable. 

Ma'ko raised his eyebrows at her, doing a funny accent, "Oh, you're a freaky girl, huh?" 
Kiri and Tsireya hid their laughter behind their hands, while Rotxo and Ao'nung started making moaning noises and doing an impression of Aliyah and Neteyam's voices, calling out each other's names.
Aliyah's face felt heated, "Come one, guys! Stop it!" She looked at her mate, who was laughing a little bit at the impressions made by Ao'nung and Rotxo. She slapped his arm, an angry look on her face.
Neteyam shrugged, "I'm sorry, love! You have to admit it's funny!" He lowered his voice a bit, a smirk appearing on his face as he whispered in her ear, "At least it's accurate, huh?"
Aliyah scoffed, pushing him away from her and trying to change the topic of conversation to something else. Looking around the group, she noticed Lo'ak wasn't there, "Hey, where's Lo'ak?"
Tsireya sighed, "He's been a bit down lately. I think he went that way earlier." She pointed her finger away from the group.
Aliyah pursed her lips, "I'm going to try and find him." She shot a last menacing glance at her boyfriend, who smiled apologetically. 


She found Lo'ak staring out toward the ocean, his arms wrapped around his legs and his chin resting on his knees.
Aliyah approached him carefully, a soft smile on her face, "Hey. Can I join you?" He quickly looked at her, nodding slowly. She sat down next to him, staying silent for a while and basking in the peace of the waves moving back and forth.
She nudged his shoulder with hers, "What's going on?"
He sighed deeply, "It's just ... all these people have such a deep connection to the tulkun. They are so happy to see them." He frowned, "And then I've been thinking about Payakan, how he can't experience that joy because they've abandoned him." He turned his head to look into her eyes intensely, sadness clouding his yellow orbs, "He should be with his brothers and sisters, Ali. It's not fair! And the Metkayina don't understand ... They only see him as a killer." He bit his bottom lip, clearly trying to contain his emotions, "He's all alone, just like me."

Aliyah wrapped an arm around his shoulders, "Hey, don't say that. You're not alone, okay?" She mulled over the words in her brain, "But I understand what you're saying about Payakan. I feel for him. Maybe we can help him return to his family, help him regain his honor?"
Lo'ak's eyes widened, "Really? You would help me do that?"
She stared into his hopeful eyes, feeling her heart break for the young boy's inner demons. She sighed, "Of course, I'll help you."
A smile appeared on Lo'ak's face, and a wash of relief washed over Aliyah. She placed her hands on his cheeks, forcing him to look her in her eyes, "Lo'ak, I see you. You are loved by everyone around you, don't forget that. And I think Tsireya would understand if you'd explain it to her. She cares about you."
Tears started forming in his eyes, his eyelids fluttering as he wrapped his arms around Aliyah's neck. His voice was fighting against cracking, "Thank you, Ali."
She placed a hand on his head, patting it softly, "Let's go help Payakan."

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