127: Looking Through A Haze

Start from the beginning

"Oh not the crazy part," Wally said. "But like how she's really good at tricking people and knowing what they're thinking? That part. Like it's kind of intimidating, but it's cool at the same time."

"No it's not" Shine said. "I can't believe you said something so hurtful."

"I'm not saying it's a bad thing," Wally said. "It's just that you're really good at it."

"I can't believe you," Shine seemed really insulted.

[This whole gag is a reference to an incident when I wrote the X-men fic, My sisters started calling Shine Good Azula and I hated it at first, but then they kind of showed me how she does sound like her...now we all use it...honestly, you can picture Azula saying most of the stuff Shine says when she's scheming...I mean Shine just has actual humanity and compassion, so that's huge difference.

I might ask how I wrote that by accident, and if that reflects poorly on me, but let's just enjoy it.]

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry," Wally said, though he was still convinced. "But seriously, it's going to be mad if we lose the Fall relic."

"Salem has to follow us," Shine said. "That is my real goal. She might blow up Vacuo out of spite if she thinks it's more worth her time--but on the other hand, if she's in a hurry to get that Summer relic, she won't bother about Vacuo while she could be following us. We have to move very fast."

"Well fast is my middle name," Wally said. "And my first name. And my last name. By the way, are we sure Qrow and Neo are really in shape to move?" 

"No, but they have to. We can't leave them here," Shine said.

Wally nodded.

* * *

"I can't believe they let you say," Watts told Cinder.

Cinder couldn't either--and now she seemed stuck.

The others were already outside Shade.

Team CFVY was going to see them off, and Meridian and Hamish. Libby was nowhere in sight.

"Where is your little friend?" Willow annoyed Whitley by calling her that. "I was sure she'd see you off."

"I think she's meeting us at the ship," Whitley said, checking his scroll. "If we're going to leave before dawn, we really should hurry."

"Mr. West," Winter came up to him. "Did you get what I asked for?"

"Oh the hair stuff?" Wally said. "Sorry, I completely forgot." He rubbed his head. "Why do you want that so badly though, doesn't it hurt?"

"I don't like this," Winter tugged her ponytail. "It's too messy.  I have no extra ones...I should have just got them myself."

"I'm surprised you didn't have more," Pyrrha said. "You seem so prepared."

"Miss Nikos, I didn't pack my belongings before we left Atlas," Winter pointed out. "I had what was on my back."

"Oh...right," Pyrrha said. "I'm sorry."

"I don't  know why you're worried about that right now," Nora snorted. "No one cares."

"It's fine to want to look professional," Weiss defended Winter. 

"It doesn't matter, her uniform is ruined anyway," Nora said.

Winter didn't like being reminded of that either...especially since Harriet had already asked her what people thought when she'd been seeing the Ace Ops off...they didn't like that she was going, but they knew she couldn't stay.

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