Popping The Question

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It was days after our little incident.. I didn't know how to feel about it. well I did I just didn't know what we were and I wanted to know. I needed to know. Remember how I said it wasn't love I was feeling? Well... it is. *has mini freak out* and it isn't because of what happened like 2 weeks ago at the get together. It was when we started staying up super late just to hear eachothers problems, just to hear eachother laugh for the very last time before bed.. I noticed how much Dana really cares for me and how I really care for her. She gives me this feeling that I never had someone give me. This warm tingle and warm fuzziness. She's forver on my mind... I need to know what we are. I need to know now. So I called Dana to see if she would like to go see poltergeist with me today. I called and she agreed. We were leaving at 6. I wasnt sure if I was to dress up or be casual.. I'm going to dress up.. no! Casual... no! Dress up! Awww shiiiiiiiiit! I'll just be casual.. Those were the thoughts going through my head. It was 5:30 and I was ready to go. 10 minutes of being on the road I was there at her pacific coast beach house. I knocked.. and there she was. "Why are you so dressed up?" Dana asked. I knew it. I knew it. I knew it. I should've worn a normal shirt and sweats. All Dana had on was some running shoes,leggings and a over sized Victorias Secret Pink Jacket... and her hair looked so effortlessly beautiful. As her curls fell around her face. We headed to the car as I opened the door for her. She looked at me like she can do it herself. All I could do is giggle at her beautiful scolding eyes. I shut the door and went on my way to myside. I was in and set to go. The entire way we talked. About everything. Absolutely everything. Everything except what we were. We arrived at the theater and I couldn't wait.. so I asked Dana then and there. "What are we?" I asked. She looked at me with this look.. I couldn't tell what the look meant, and then she said " Well I want to be your girlfriend.." LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORD JESUS! I PULLED HER IN AND JUST KISSED HER! I was so happy to hear here say those words. "Okay so are we like officially together now?" Dana asked. "Yeeeessssss, Hell yes!" I responded.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2015 ⏰

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