Kim Namjoon}

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He had a rough childhood. His parents never really gave him the love and affection a child his age needed.

His parents made him work, constantly having him privately tutored and made him learn new and useful things.

Of course, over the years, Namjoon grew distant before he cut them out of his life.

Namjoon was smart, stupidly smart. He was somewhat grateful his parents made him work every single day of his life since the age of 7 but nothing more.

Namjoon had always fancied the idea of mates. When he wasn't solving college level math equations or studying Japanese or English, he'd read about mates.

And one fateful day, he was at a cafe, buying himself ice tea when he turned and bumped into another male, causing his iced tea to spill and stain his shirt.

He quite literally wanted the world to swallow him whole. But when he caught a whiff of the betas scent and their eyes locked, he wanted the world to swallow them both whole so they could spend eternity together

Okay, that was a bit weird, but that's truly how Namjoon felt.

Although all of these people were content with their lives, they always felt like something was missing.

This is how their stories intertwine and become one story.

This is how strings of fate pull them together.

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