Chapter 6

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|Min Yoongi|

"M not... I know my mates,"
Taehyung steps away from Yoongi and looks over at Namjoon, who shrugs.

Yoongi is sweating at this point, making his clothes stick to his skin. He groans out uncomfortably and sits up, pulling his hoodie over his head. "I'll get you some cold water," Jimin mumbles and leaves to get a washcloth and cold water.

Taehyung pulls Namjoon aside

"What are we doing here? He needs his mates, not us."

Namjoon nods. "I know, but something keeps pulling me here."

"We need to leave so he can deal with this on his own hyung. We can't stay here and help him. He's not our mate."

Namjoon nods once again. "I know, I know! Let's just say for a bit longer, and then we'll leave."

"You do know that his heat can trigger Jimin and Jungkooks, right?"

Namjoon nods, and Taehyung sighs. "Fine. 5 more minutes, and then we leave."

Jimin returns with the washcloth and cold water, and he dunks it into the water, wiping the sweat off of Yoongi's forehead and neck.

It also wipes the scent block off,  and Jimin freezes when he catches a whiff of Yoongi's scent.


"Hyung.." Jimin says, staring wide-eyed at the omega in front of him.

He quickly scrubs the rest off, and the mates are hit with his scent so hard that it causes Jin to stumble slightly.

"No!" Yoongi gasps. He's wide awake now and no longer dazed.  He clasps a hand over his scent glands and looks up at his mates.

They know.

"Yoongi?" Hoseok speaks "'re our mate? But... but how?"

Yoongi panics, and he pants out. "I-I.." he stutters.

"It's okay, Yoongi. We're here to help you, "

"No!" He yells.

"What? Baby, you-" Yoongi cut Taehyung off with a growl

"'M not your baby! I don't need your help!" Jin furrows his brows."You're in heat, Yoongi. You need our help."

"I don't! Leave me alone!"

Jungkook reaches a hand out and Yoongi slaps it away. "Don't touch me!"

The mates were confused. Did Yoongi not want them? Was he in love with someone else and refused to accept the bond? Or was he simply against the idea of mates?

"D-do you not want us?" Jimin spoke in a soft voice.

Yoongi's heart broke at the tone, and he glared, "I don't want mates. You guys did fine without me anyway, "

"But Yoon-"

"I'm straight! All of you are men! Not even close to my type!"

Namjoon frowns "What-"

"Get out! I reject you! I reject all of you!"

Jungkook lets out a quiet whimper, and Jin quickly hugs his mate.

"Fine," Namjoon spoke, an unreadable look spreading onto his face. "We'll leave you alone. C'mon loves," he says, opening the door. "But Joon-" Hoseok starts, but Namjoon shook his head. "He made up his mind. Cmon"

"No!" Jungkook sobs. Jin sighs and picks the distraught omega up, carrying him out of Yoongis dorm.

Everyone but Namjoon was standing outside of Yoongi's dorm now. Namjoon turned to look at the omega, who was already glaring at him  "We'll wait until you're ready."

Yoongi scoffs "No you won't. I reject you, Namjoon...I reject all of you. I don't want mates. "

"That's not what you said yesterday. You said you were lonely. You say you don't want mates, but you're unconsciously accepting us.

Why didn't you reject us when you found out?"

Yoongi stared at Namjoon. What he said was true...he has no idea why he didn't reject them when he found out.

"You're not only hurting yourself, but you're hurting us, Yoongi. Make your decision when heat isn't corrupting your thinking process and come find us"

"If you choose to be with us, we'll accept you with open arms...but if you don't, then we can't say that we'll be happy about it."

Namjoon steps out of his dorm and looks at Yoongi from there. "You're our final mate, Yoongi. I know it. Don't hurt us by not giving us our completion"

"Screw you," Yoongi spat out in anger
"Not everything is about you and how you guys feel. Think about how I would feel if I was trapped in something I don't want."

Namjoon gives Yoongi a tight-lipped smile. "You're putting us in the same position," and without saying another word, Namjoon closes Yoongis bedroom door.

Yoongi waits a few minutes before he screams out in anger. "You fucking- argh!!" He yells, reaching for the lamp and throwing it at the door, causing it to shatter and break.

He sits there, huffing out in anger and glaring daggers at where Namjoon once stood. "Fucking asshole" He mumbles.

He then gasps and moans out as his heat hits full force. The worst timing ever if you ask him.

If he had only stayed home today. His mates wouldn't have known about him and he'd be safe. But no. He had to see them. He had to go to them personally.

He peels his sticky clothes off of his body and flops his naked body down onto his bed. His chest rises and falls in short bursts he pants out.

His dick was hard, and his slick was ruining his bed sheets now. He shivers and looks over at the empty bed on the other side of the dorm.

The faint scent of Namjoon lingered there and he got up, stumbling his way over to the vacant bed he wraps himself in Namjoons old bed sheets, basking in the alphas scent.

He brings the blanket up to his nose and inhales Namjoon's scent.

He purrs and unconsciously ruts against Namjoons blanket, softly moaning into it.

Not even 3 minutes ago did he tell the alpha to screw off and now he's here on his bed, using his sheets to get him off. How embarrassing.

Yoongi came with a loud cry, shooting his load onto Namjoons sheets and he stills himself to catch his breath.

As if reality hit him, his eyes tear up and he lets out a quiet sob. What the hell is wrong with him?

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