' What's with Veer ?" Ritik asked as he got up from his study table.

" He he is I don't know he is screaming in his sleep and trashing __ I _ I tried to wake him up but __ he is not waking up, I am sorry." Mahir said with trears.

" It's not your fault bachha don't say sorry and let's go to Veer he needs us hmm." Ritik said as they went to Veer's room only to witness heart
breaking scene.

Veer was curled up as a ball in the corner of the room and sobbing.

Mahir and Ritik's heart aches seeing their brother at that stage.

" Veer "Ritik slowly called him as he went towards the sobbing boy.

" No !" Veer said as he looked up at Ritik. " Don't __ don't come near me !!"

" Why baby ?" Ritik asked shocked to the twelve years old boy.

" Veer what happene why are you saying
this ? " Mahir said as he also went near him and hold Veer's shoulder.

" I said don't come near me !!" Veer pushed Mahir as he was about to fall but fortunately Ritik hold him before he can fall on the ground.

Veer stand up their and looked at his brothers
with tears in his eyes.
" Can't you understand this all is happening because of me all because of me I am the culprit I am the one because of whom our parents died. Because of me Ritik Bhai you are not going to college and Mahir Bhai can't concentrate in studies because he have to with me ! It's just __ it's all my fault I am ___ I am
unlucky for the family __ (sob) I am unlucky __ I should just die !! I " Veer said while crying.

Ritik and Mahir hear him shocked.

" Bachha please don't say like this ." Ritik said as he tried to approch him but Veer push him and ran to the bathroom locking himself.

Mahir and Ritik ran to the bathroom and started to knock on the door.

" Veer veer bachha open the door please don't scare Bhai please." Ritik pleaded.

" Veer please open the door." Mahir cried. " Bhaiya he is not opening the door please do something."

Ritik cares Mahir's cheeks and again called for Veer.

" Veer please at least listen to us....Veer....." Ritik stoped as he hear something brock in side it sounds like broken glasses.

" Bha__bhai " Mahir looked at Ritik with horror.

Ritik's eyes widen as he again started to bang the door. " Veer Veer open the door ! open the door! "

He had enough now so he tried to break open the door and it successfully opened revealing Veer who was looking miserable eyes puffy with crying and cheeks were red.

He his right hand was bleeding as he was holding a piece of glass and the bathroom mirror was broken as some blood were there.

He was looking at his brothers inocently as nothing had happened.

" Veer __" Mahir wispered tears fall from his eyes.

Veer started at cry again as his legs gave up and he was about to fall but Ritik and Mahir hold him.

" Veer give it to me bachha hmm" Ritik said as he  slowly took the glass piece from him.

Veer didn't protest he just cried, cried his heart out.

" Hey hey Veer we are with you we are with you . Don't think you are alone . Please." Mahir said as he tried to clam him down but Veer was crying so hard that he can't hear anything.

Suddenly his crying stoped .

Ritik and Mahir looked at him only to found his eyes closed as he had fainted.

" Veer Veer ?? What happen open your eyes please Veer ??" Ritik called him as he patted his cheeks but didn't get any response.

" Mahir call the doctor now ." Ritik said as he carry Veer to the bed  and Mahir called their family doctor.

Ritik took a deep breath and looked at his youngest brother who was now sleeping peacefully. He smiled and kissed his forehead.

" You will be fine chhote  we are hear with you you had over come from these and you will . you are strong my baby." Ritik thought as he cares his cheeks and hugged him and about to close his eyes but his phone rings.

" Who is this at this moment " He thought while searching for his phone.

" Unknown number ?" He said to himself and get up from the bed not to disturb his brothers.

He picked the called confusely.

" Hello ??"

" Hello Mr. Sehgal Long time no see."

     To be continued.........

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