Chapter 71 Fashion Conference

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As the fashion conference got closer, the more calm Hua Jin's heart became. She packed the embroidered shawl in a brocade box and locked it in her suitcase before getting on the car to Mark's studio.

Mark originally designed this dress in a dreamy style, and even named it "Dream". Later, after many revisions, it became what it is now. The shawl in her hand is the result of her and another embroiderer. It took a lot of effort to make it in a hurry, and there should be no accidents.

When he arrived at the downstairs of Mark's studio, Hua Jin handed the lockbox in front of him in person: "Mr. Mark, open it and see if this shawl meets your requirements."

Noticing the darkcircles under Hua Jin's eyes, Mark's hand opened the box and paused: "Master Hua Xi, haven't you rested well recently?"

"When embroidering with gold thread, special care is needed, although there are seven or eight embroiderers in my studio now, but not many of them can handle gold thread embroidery skillfully." Feeling sleepy, Hua Jin spoke much more casually, "Take a quick look, I'll go back to rest when I'm done."

"Thank you for your hard work." After Mark thanked her, he opened the suitcase and took out the brocade box from inside. In order to create the feeling of a foggy wings, the material of the drape was very thin, and it was not easy task for the embroiderer to embroider the desired pattern on it without affecting its lightness.

Not to mention the lack of time, in order to complete this shawl, Hua Jin has not slept well for a week, and relying on strong tea and coffee to refresh.

The moment he opened the brocade box, Mark was stunned.

Seeing this drape, he finally understood what Ambilight is.

Mark's assistant was also startled, he looked closely at the shawl and could hardly believe his eyes, was the flower embroiderer embroidering the sunlight into it?

"Embroidering this drape is probably the best I've done in all these years." Hua Jin stood up from her chair, "Mr. Mark, there are still three days to go before the fashion conference, I wish that your clothes you designed will be stunning at the show and make a name for the country."

"Thank you." Mark carefully put the shawl back into the brocade box. He stood up and stretched out his hand towards the brocade, " I also wish the flower embroiderer gets better and better, with every stitch and every thread is a flourishing flower bloom.".

Hua Jin reached out her hand and shook Mark's hand together, "Goodbye."

"I'll see you off." Mark looked down at the white and tender palm that was holding him together, and let go of his hand with a smile.

"There is no need to be so polite, I have been to your studio many times, how do I still need Mr. Mark to send." Hua Jin picked up her bag and smiled at Mark, "See you at the fashion conference in three days."

"Well then, goodbye." Mark walked Hua Jin to the door, and only after she stepped into the elevator and the doors closed, he turned around and went back into the design room and opened the lid of the brocade box again.


"It's so beautiful." Mark gently rubbed the drape with his fingertips, "Don't you think so?"

The assistant paused, "Yes."

Mark chuckled lightly and didn't say another word.

After handing the shawl to Mark, Hua Jin felt relieved. She sat in the car, resting on the back of the chair. The driver didn't dare to disturb her and turned off the music in the car.

When she was almost home, Hua Jin opened her eyes and took out her phone to look at it, Pei Yan had sent her a few messages. The general idea was that the meeting would not be over until the afternoon, so he could not eat with her at noon.

Hua Jin: [Be serious in the meeting, don't desert, I'll go to bed after I go home and eat something, call me when you come back in the evening].

Pei Yan: [Okay, I will come back as soon as possible. mwah. ]

Seeing Pei Yan's reply, Hua Jin smiled and turned her head to find a person who looked somewhat familiar standing outside the main door. She gazed for a few seconds before she recognised that it was Xu Si.

She had the impression of Xu Si as a seemingly elegant but arrogant woman who was almost impossible to relate to now.

When she noticed the car in which Hua Jin was riding, Xu Si opened her arms and stopped the car in front of her. Seeing her action, Hua Jin suddenly remembered that Xu Si's father and uncle had done the same thing a few months ago.

She asked the driver to stop the car, opened the window and said, "Miss Xu."

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