Chapter 8 Panda Embroidery

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    "Sister Qin, I hope you don't think my words are bad." Hua Jin lowered her eyelids before speaking, "I live in this world as a woman, and the meaning of a women's life is not just to find a man with a car and a house. Love and marriage need to follow fate, But life is different, in order not to let my future self not to regret past, I have no choice but to work hard now."

"Isn't the goal of working outside to be able to build a home for yourself?" Sister Qin didn't quite understand Hua Jin's opinion,if the man's living conditions were good, and because she thought that it was too dangerous and hard for a single woman to work outside alone, she didn't hesitate to act as a matchmaker for the two. Looking at Hua Jin's reaction now, she had done something bad even though she had good intentions.

This made her feel a little unhappy, and she didn't know whether to be angry at herself for being meddlesome, or angry at Huajin for not giving her face.

"Home is where your heart is." Hua Jin shook her head and said, "A lot of people doesn't mean it's lively, and being alone doesn't mean it's lonely. I know you mean it well, but I don't have any plans to spend my life with anyone yet.Can you please just thank him for kind intentions"

Sister Qin stared at Hua Jin for a while, then sighed, "Well, maybe I'm too old to understand the thoughts of you young girls."

She was silent for a moment, and blindly said, said: "My ex-husband didn't have much education, but he was tall and full of confidence., but he had a very good temper outside, and beat me and the children when he came home. That young man is completely different from my ex-husband. , since the former is sensitive, caring, and also cultured. I have inquired about him in the past few days. so he'll definitely not beat his wife.

Hearing what Sister Qin said, Hua Jin fell silent. She heard many things about Sister Qin from other people, but Sister Qin didn't like to mention her past in front of everyone, as if the experience of divorce was an extremely embarrassing thing for her.

"You are a good girl." Sister Qin raised her hand to tidy the strands of hair on her head, the thin which showed silver bracelet on her wrist , which was dim which shows she had worn it for many years, "That young man is the best among the younger people I know. The best. I thought that a girl as good as you should have a man who is completely different from my ex-husband. That, at the very least, you'll have a better life than me.

For Sister Qin, getting married was a must. The only thing was the choice of a groom, whether he be good or bad.

"Sister Qin, you... drink some water." Hua Jin pushed the water glass in front of Sister Qin.

Sister Qin's expression was complicated, with hatred, resentment, and a hint of melancholy. Hua Jin thought she would cry, but her eyes were dry and there was no tears at all. This kind of vicissitudes and numb eyes made Hua Jin feel an instinctive fear of marriage.

"Thank you." Hua Jin's spooked appearance brought a sudden smile to Sister Qin, "You don't have to be so cautious. I'm this way because I've been divorced for a few years now."

Hua Jin smiled back, not knowing how to answer.

"It's the middle of the night, I shouldn't have disturbed you so late, I'll go back first." Sister Qin took a sip of water, got up and walked out.

Hua Jin got up to see her off, and when she walked to the door, Sister Qin stopped and looked at her: "Hua Jin, have you ever thought about what you really want?

"Probably... not needing to worry about having enough to eat or drink?" Hua Jin tilted her head as she said this half-seriously, and half-jokingly. 

"Very good." Sister Qin nodded again and again, "No to worry about eating and drinking for the rest of my life, that's pretty good." After sending Sister Qin away, Hua Jin put away the water glasses and unfinished fruits on the table. She didn't lie to Sister Qin, Her goal in life is to eat and drink without worrying about it. It would be even better if more people like Shu Embroidery.

After being disturbed by Sister Qin, Hua Jin didn't feel sleepy at all. She remembered the comments on Weibo, picked up her phone and continued to read, and finally figured out what was going on. It turned out that the dragon and phoenix she embroidered before was posted on Weibo by a well-known blogger.

Following the comments of netizens,she was able to find the original post on Weibo. After reading the entire thing, Hua Jin felt a bit sour and speechless. She was really moved by the article. There were marriages like those of Sister Qin, but there were also those like the older couple who stuck together.

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