Chapter 25 - So angry

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"Chen Erge, you really did a dishonest thing," Meng Tao complained softly. "We came here today just to coincidentally encounter Pei Yan. But look, as soon as he saw us, he ran away. So why did we come here? To appreciate the artworks?" They came here because they heard that Pei Yan would be attending this exhibition, but they couldn't even exchange a single word with him.

"How was I supposed to know that he would bring his girlfriend along?" Chen Jiang rubbed his hands. "I'm not afraid to admit it, ever since the last time I had a car accident, Pei Yan came to the hospital, looked at me with a cold smile, and didn't say a word. It made me feel uneasy."

"He..." Meng Tao's expression became indescribable. "Is he that boring?"

"If I were like him, with no one above me to keep me in check and with a lot of assets in hand, the things I would do might be even more boring than him," Chen Jiang admitted defeat with a candid tone. "Anyway, now whenever I see him with an unhappy expression, I want to keep my distance from him."

"So, did we come here for nothing today?" Meng Tao felt somewhat unwilling.

"Maybe we can wait a little longer. I saw him and his girlfriend entering the VIP lounge. Let's wait for him to come out."

Inside the VIP lounge, Pei Yan saw Hua Jin replying to messages with a suspicious look on her face. What were she and her friends talking about?

"Suddenly, I remembered that there are still many exhibits I haven't seen," Pei Yan felt that he couldn't give her any more time to message. "Let's go."

"Why do you want me to look at the exhibition with you?" Hua Jin was trying to evade the questioning of a few friends when she saw Pei Yan walking towards her and quickly stuffed her phone into her bag.

"So are you coming or not?" Pei Yan looked at her.

"Of course... I'm coming." Hua Jin stood up. "Mr. Pei has helped me so much, and I'm not willing to refuse this small favor. Let's go, I'll be a competent companion."

The two walked out of the lounge and saw Chen Jiang and Meng Tao waiting at the door. Pei Yan didn't spare them a glance and walked straight out.

Meng Tao and Chen Jiang were anxious but didn't dare to call out to Pei Yan directly. In desperation, Chen Jiang could only look at Hua Jin for help. They say girls are soft-hearted, maybe Mr. Pei's girlfriend would be willing to say a good word for them?

Seeing Chen Jiang's pleading eyes, Hua Jin turned her head and quickly walked up to pull on Pei Yan's sleeve. "Wait a minute."

Chen Jiang and Meng Tao were delighted, they had a chance.

"Don't walk so fast, my legs aren't as long as yours."

As Chen Jiang and Meng Tao watched Hua Jin and Pei Yan walk away, they finally experienced the feeling of having hope but only receiving disappointment.

The security level of this exhibition was high, inviting experts and scholars who were genuinely interested as well as those who were just going through the motions. However, the fact that the organizers were willing to invest so much money and effort into organizing this exhibition already represented their respect for traditional craftsmanship.

After accompanying Pei Yan to admire the mortise and tenon furniture, they had reached the exit of the exhibition. Hua Jin turned around and glanced at the craftsmanship lying quietly in the display cabinets. These artifacts, preserved in the torrent of time, had endured thousands of years. Would they eventually dissipate in the unknown years to come?

"Watch your step."

Hua Jin snapped out of her thoughts and smiled at Pei Yan. "Thank you."

Pei Yan noticed how careful she was while descending the steps and remembered the night he had escorted her home when an old lady had asked her to apply medicinal wine. Unable to resist his curiosity, he asked, "Is there something wrong with your leg?"

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