Chapter 63 - The Tomb

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 For many ordinary villagers, going to the court to file a lawsuit is a very scary thing. After Hua Chengzhong and his wife heard this sentence, their legs were weak with fear..

They suddenly remembered a lot of old things, and suddenly became anxious, not knowing what to do.

The other villagers who watched the fun slowly came to their senses, how Hua Chengzhong and his wife treated Jinwazi, the village people all know in their hearts. Just now, Hua Chengzhong was asking for third son of Hua family's home base and land, and Jinwazi heard and saw it in her heart, so she could not think nothing of it.

How old was Jinwazi when she left the Hua family? A seventeen-year-old girl working outside with nothing, no relatives and no one to rely on, and no one to complain about. Now that she is finally promising and prosperous, she must have resentment towards Hua Chengzhong and his wife in her heart.

"Uncle Cheng Zhong, you and auntie go back to rest first." Secretary Hua's son saw the couple pale with fright, and dared not say a word, stepped forward and whispered to the couple, "Don't let outsiders see the joke.

 It was only then that Hua Chengzhong came back to his senses, glared at the crowd watching the fun, and hurried home with his wife.

"Oh, he has a pretty big temper." The village woman who was yelled at by Hua Chengzhong just now raised her voice when she saw Hua Chengzhong was so frightened, "Didn't he just give birth to two sons at the head of the village? His voice was louder than others. At that time, he wanted to marry Jinjin to the old bachelor, but it was because he wanted to save money for the marriage of the eldest son of his family. So be a human being and don't do immoral things, you will be punished."

"Jinjin been out there all these years, and she's gone out on her own, I think the guys who just followed her are a bit like bodyguard."

"If I were her, with an uncle like Hua Chengzhong, I would have to bring bodyguards I go home, just in case What should I do if  the they lock her in the house and force her to marry?"

Everyone was chattering, some expressed emotion, some were curious, but when they mentioned those things back then, everyone would scold Hua Chengzhong for not being honest. The relationship between the villagers and Hua Chengzhong's family has not been very good these years, but because Hua Chengzhong has two sons with bad tempers, if they disagree with each other, they will fight with others.

Seeing that his family might be unlucky now, everyone secretly applauded, who would like a village tyrant?

"The land in our Nine Villages is fertile, and the vegetables and fruits we grow taste good." Secretary Hua introduced some of the current situation in Nine Villages. Pei Yan glanced at the high heels on Huajin's feet, and then turned to look at the one in front of her that was not easy to walk. Breaking through, he hugged her by the waist and stood on a rock, walked in front of her and pointed to his back: "Come up."

""You hold me, I can walk well."" Hua Jin looked around, there were a few A child and an old man were looking over here. Seeing that they suddenly stopped leaving, Secretary Hua also looked over suspiciously.

""Help what help,"? The place is full of potholes. What if you fall on your knees?" Pei Yan did not say anything and carried her on his back, "When we get to the flat ground, I will put you down".

Hua Jin looked at the stunned eyes of Secretary Hua, silently buried her head behind Pei Yan's neck and slowly stretched out her hand and wrapped it around Pei Yan's neck.

"This is the economic fruit forest planned by the technicians in the town. It has begun to bear fruit in the past few years." Secretary Hua turned his head, pretending not to see the intimacy between Pei Yan and Hua Jin, he was too old to understand the way city people get along between lovers.

WWalking across the dirt slope to a relatively flat path, Pei Yan put down Hua Jin, held her hand and asked, "Sorry, Hua Hua, she suffered a knee injury some years ago and can't walk too rugged mountain paths, I hope you don't mind my behavior."

Most of the staff in the village office were from the nine villages, and when they heard him say that Hua Jin's foot had been injured, they couldn't help but look at Hua Jin a few more times, and Secretary Hua couldn't help but say, "How did you get injured, is it serious?"

" It was very serious, almost even lost her life back then." Pei Yan sunken face, "Hua Hua was lucky that year and made it through, but still left an old injury, whenever it was cloudy and rainy, her legs would hurt."

Everyone fell silent, Huajin has changed so much over the years, she must have suffered a lot in places they didn't know about.

"Over the years, Huahua has been thinking about the people who took care of her in the village, that's why we came back and made a little contribution to the development of the village." Pei Yan looked at the faces of everyone, "Although there were many unpleasant things happened here back then. , but Huahua still wants everyone to live a better life. I respect her idea, so I accompanied her here."

Everyone recalled Huajin's past when she lived in this village, because she was born as a girl, andFortunately, she was the first child. Although her grandparents and parents did not like it, but she was not sent away.

Later, with the birth of her younger brother, Huajin's life became more and more difficult. When she was only six or seven years old, she had to go out to cut pigweed with a small bamboo basket on her back and help the family with work. Luckily, she was up-to-date and had good grades. Every time Hua Chengmin and his wife went to a parent-teacher meeting, they would be named and praised by the teacher.

Hua Jin's mother was a very proud woman. Because of Hua Jin's good grades, several villages all praise her when they mention her, so in terms of schooling, Hua Jin did not suffer difficulties. It's a pity that this good luck ended after the accidental death of the couple.

It has been nearly eight years, and every time it is time for the college entrance examination, some people in the village will say with emotion that if Hua Jinjin could take the college entrance examination back then, she would definitely be able to enter a very good university.

It's just that if nothing happened, looking at Hua Jin standing in front of them, All the village elders blushed a little bit..

Pei Yan was not ready to stop: "I heard that Hua Chengzhong's family is very domineering in the village. Regarding this kind of village tyrant, the superiors have already given instructions to crack down on the behavior of the village tyrant and give the common people a peaceful life."

Secretary Hua heard Yan's heart trembled, and he met Pei Yan's calm eyes. The young man's eyes were so sharp that he almost didn't dare to look at him: "Mr. Pei is right, what was done badly still needs to be improved."

Pei Yan didn't say anything more, he turned to look at Hua Jin : "Where is your land?"

Hua Jin looked around and pointed to a water field below the fish pond, "That field, it seems to be my  family's, right?" She glanced at Secretary Hua.

"Yes, this field belongs to your family." Secretary Hua nodded, and the group walked to the fish pond and found that there were still grain stakes in the paddy, so it was obvious that the field had been used by someone, and the rice in the field had been cut away not long ago..

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