Chapter 1 Dragon And Phoenix Quilt

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In the early morning of March, it was sometimes warm or cold, and the sound of cutting vegetables, the sizzling of fried pancakes, and the voice of a woman scolding her child came from the dilapidated small building.

Hua Jin pushed open the door. In the corridor, a boy in a blue school uniform and carrying a schoolbag stood with his head down.He didn't even bother to look at her when she opened her door. When his mother saw Hua Jin come out, she tried to tidy her curly hair, before asking, " Xiao Hua, are you going to work so early?" , her child stood beside her silently, like a humble potato.

Realizing that Hua Jin had cast her eyes from her to her son,, Sister Qin stopped holding her hair and began to criticize the child's shortcomings.

"Sister Qin." Interrupting the other party's eloquence, Hua Jin took out her mobile phone to check the time, "I'm going to be late for the subway, let's talk tomorrow." After speaking, he walked downstairs quickly, and the voice-activated streetlights on the corridor were kicking There was not a single flicker in the tapping of footsteps.

When she arrived downstairs, she could hear Sister Qin scolding her son once again.

After Hua Jin ate her breakfast at a roadside shop, when she exited the store, she saw Sister Qin's son waddling along the street, crestfallen. He was walking at a snail's pace.

The streets were already crowded with cars even in the early morning, though there was still a bit of dull sleepiness in the air, it didn't dampen the feeling of the day's fight to life.

"Be careful!" Hua Jin took two quick steps to grab the boy's school bag to pull him to safety as a car raced past the intersection he was about to cross on. It was quite a close call.

The little boy looked up at Hua Jin, still looking a bit dull. After a bit, he managed to whisper, "Thank you, Sister Hua Jin."

"Don't mention it~" Hua Jin was pleased. What woman in her twenties didn't like children calling them 'sister'?

"Be attentive when you're walking on the road, and be mindful of vehicles! Safety is important!" Hua Jin couldn't help but advise the child as she tidied up his collar. After she saw the child safely go, she rubbed her faintly aching knees, then proceeded to get on her way.

In a bustling city, one cannot afford to stop too long if you want to survive, thrive, or have a better life. People will come and go, but the city will remain. It'll continue to prosper, along with the many dreamers that call it home.

When she got off the crowded subway, Hua Jin saw a street performer busking away while pedestrians hurried along, apparently too busy to pay her any mind. Hua Jin fished through her coat for some change, before placing them into the collection box in front of the performer.

"Thank you~" whispered the busker, who was only a little girl.

She still had her baby fat on her face and her eyes were still clear and filled with hope. Hua Jin put her hands into her coat and smiled, "You're welcome. A lot of people are rushing to work in the morning, so they really can't afford to stop to take a look."

As she was saying this, she pointed to a train station staff walking towards them. "It seems talent shows aren't allowed here, so why not relocate somewhere else?"

Obviously, the little girl was performing to make a living, but she phrased it as a 'talent show' to make it seem less offensive. The girl smiled gratefully at Hua Jin.

Hua Jin smiled back and walked out of the subway station following the flow of people.

Outside, she shivered, as a cold breeze blew. She decided to walk quickly to her place of work.

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