Chapter 74 - Let's Get Married

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 The pair of doll piglets bought back were placed on the windowsill by Huajin, and they sat close together, silly and carefree.

Pei Yan changed his clothes and came downstairs, seeing Hua Jin staring at the two dolls: "Didn't we agree, when we visit Aunt Gao's house for dinner and you like the two little pigs so much, we'll carry them to the car and bring them back when we come back?"

"Nonsense." Hua Jin laughed and reached out to hit him, but Pei Yan grabbed her hand and shoved a scarf into her hand, "If we don't go out now, we'll both be late."

Aunt Gao and Uncle Tan were both originally from Shu Province, so on New Year's Eve, the noon meal was very important to them, and for them, if the noon meal was not good, the year would be a waste.

When Hua Jin arrived, the meat and vegetables were already stewing, and Hua Jin and Tan Yuan couldn't sit still, so they put on their coats and hats and ran downstairs to build a snowman.

Tan Qing watched the two little girls running downstairs chattering, and smiled at Pei Yan, "These two children..."

"It's quite interesting." Pei Yan stood up from the sofa and said to Tan Qing, "Uncle Tan, I'll go down and have a look at them."

Tan Qing nodded with a smile: "Don't play for too long, lunch will be at 12 o'clock."

" Good." Pei Yan walked out the door with his long legs, and in a short while the sound of his footsteps was getting further and further away in the hallway. Tan Qing lost his smile helplessly and turned to see his wife looking at him.

"What's that look on your face?"

" Nothing." Gao Shu Lan walked over to Tan Qing and sat down, and after a long time she said, "Hua Hua and Mr. Pei, it will work out, right?"

"How do I know if it's going to work or not?" Tan Qing sighed, "I think you're just worrying about nothing."

"What do you mean by worrying about nothing, can you not worry about the affairs of your children?" Gao Shu Lan sighed, "What do you know?"

Tan Qing shut his mouth, not daring to question his wife's authority.

Gao Shu Lan got up and walked over to the window and saw Pei Yan stepping on the snow and walking over to Hua Jin. Not knowing what Hua Jin said, he began to bend down and help Hua Jin ball up the snow, his movements looked very clumsy.

She withdrew her gaze, turned and walked to the kitchen and said to Tan Qing, who was washing his hands and preparing to chop vegetables, "I think so, old man, it will work out."

Tan Qing: "..."

"My wife is right."

"Huahua, you said you're so good with needles, how come you made a snowman that's this ugly?" Tan Yuan looked at the snowman made by Hua Jin with disgust, but when she saw that Pei Yan had made a snowman and put it together with the one made by Hua Jin, she shut her mouth.

At this time, she should stay in the house instead of standing here.

"Mom, look there are three idiots downstairs, and they ran to build a snowman in such a cold day."

 The three idiots looked up at the brat lying on the window on the second floor.

"What's all this nonsense?" The child's mother dragged him away, probed to look out and laughed dryly in embarrassment, "It's Yuan Yuan, sorry, this child can't talk, you guys enjoy yourselves and Happy New Year." After saying that, she hurriedly closed the window.

She couldn't argue with someone over the bear cubs in the house in the middle of the Chinese New Year.

Hua Jin stuffed her hands into the pockets of her jacket and laughed out loud. Breathing out a hot breath, she looked at Pei Yan with a smile: "Let's go back."

For Pei Yan, the Tan family's New Year's Eve dinner was not as elaborate as his New Year's Eve meal, but he ate extravagantly on this day. After the evening meal, they sat in front of the television watching the Chinese New Year Gala, knocking melon seeds and sweets and chatting about their parental affairs.

When it was 12 o'clock, Hua Jin and Pei Yan got up and were about to leave. Uncle Tan and Aunt Gao gave each of them a red envelope. Pei Yan was embarrassed to accept it, but seeing that Hua Jin had accepted it, he could only accept it with a blushing face.

After walking downstairs, Pei Yan took Hua Jin's hand: "The snow on the ground is too thick, be careful."

"Oh." Hua Jin obediently let Pei Yan hold her hand, and the two walked out step by step, the snow creaking under their feet.

"We are so old, and we still receive lucky red envelopes."

"The custom in Aunt Gao's hometown is that people who are not yet married represent no adults. Elders with better conditions in the family will continue to give red envelopes." "

"It seems that we won't be able to receive red envelopes next year."

Hua Jin was slightly taken aback, but she understood instantly. She looked at Pei Yan and smiled, but said nothing. Pei Yan didn't follow up and asked, he carefully held Hua Jin's hand, and walked out of the snow-covered neighborhood with her.

Tan Yuan lay on the window sill, watched the two go further and further, and slowly closed the curtains.

Huahua is finally no longer leaving alone, she is very happy.

This New Year, very good.

After New Year's Eve, Hua Jin began to accompany Pei Yan to visit relatives in his family. After a few days, Hua Jin was confused by all kinds of complicated relative relationships, so she went home and drew a diagram of the structure of her relatives.

When Pei Yan saw it, he smiled and said, " Why are you making this, if you don't know it, you don't know it, take your time to remember it later."

"Those are your relatives, you've accommodated a lot for me, and I want to do something for you too." Hua Jin put the notebook with the spectrum of relationships drawn on it on the shelf, " A lot of times, I want to spoil you a little more too."

"Since you spoil me so much, let's go on a trip when the weather gets warmer next month." Pei Yan hugged her waist, and their foreheads touched, "You promised me this, huh?

" Okay." Hua Jin smiled, "Since Mr. Mark's clothing designs became famous overseas, that studio I have with Tan Yuan, I have hired a few more embroiderers, now there are more than a dozen embroiderers in the studio, with Tan Yuan around, even if I go out for ten days and half a month, it won't affect the operation of the studio."

"Even the boss is eligible for a vacation." Pei Yan stopped and picked up Hua Jin, "However, your dear boyfriend, after hearing the name Mark, suddenly became in a bit of a bad mood and needs you to comfort him to become better."

"How do you want to be comforted?" Hua Jin wrapped her arms back around his neck and tilted her chin to look at Pei Yan.

"Of course I want to ......"

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