Chapter Six: My Rose

Start from the beginning

"Alright, let's get going then," Rose stood up and stood in the living room. I got up and followed her. She reached in her pocket and pulled out another purple marble, throwing it on the floor and stomping on it. She took my hand as we stepped through the portal, I kept my eyes open this time. But it didn't really make a difference. It was like I had them closed anyway. And now we were standing in the trees surrounding the parking lot. Not letting go of each other's hand, we started walking to my car.

"Zach told me about the whole..mate bond thing," I broke the silence. "He did?" She looked a bit worried. "Mhm. He told me how the bond works and everything."

"And um..what are your thoughts on it?" she asked anxiously. "I like it. The idea of knowing that, your one and only is out there. And that you will meet with them. Truly a one of a kind bond, a bond that others can't break. No matter how hard they try," I sighed. I need to tell her that I know we're mates. But how do I say it? Do I just wait for her to say something? Or do I just say it? What if she thinks I'm crazy, and that we're not actually mates. Fuck it, I'm just going to say it. "I're my mate..right? Or am I just imagining that part.." I trailed off. Rose stopped walking and looked down at me a bit surprised, causing me to stop as well. We aren't too far away from my car now.

I looked up at her, hoping that I was right. And that I didn't just make a fool of myself. She grabbed both my hands and stepped closer to me. "You're not imagining it, my love. You are my mate as I am yours," she said, bringing my hand to her lips. "And I promise to love and protect you, always," she said as she placed a soft kiss on the back of my hand. This gave me butterflies in my stomach, like when she first kissed my hand. But this time was different, it was..more. That's the best way I can explain it. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed pink roses sitting outside the store. Still holding her hand, I walked over to the roses. "Oh look, a rose for my Rose," I said, handing her a rose. I stood on my toes and placed a kiss on her cheek. This caused her to blush.

"How kind of you," she said, smiling from ear to ear.  We walked over to my car, and I was surprised to see my purse still on the ground. Surprised that no one took it or went through it. I picked it up, dug for my keys and went to open my door. "I don't think so," Rose stopped me and led me to the passenger side, opening the car door for me. "M'lady," she bowed her head. "Thank you," I smiled sheepishly. She got in the door after closing my door and started the car. I found my phone and plugged it in. "You should've let me drive, you know. You've only been there once,"

"I know how to get there," She kept her eyes on the road. "How?" I asked. If she's only been there once, how would she know how to get there from here? Wait, when she showed up at my door, I didn't see a car. And when she was in my room, it seemed like she had already seen it before. Her scent also lingers in my room every night, and fades away in the morning. "You've been watching me," I said a bit surprised. She looked a little sad for a moment. "Yes, I've been watching you for about 3 months now. I'm sorry.."

She's been watching me for 3 months. "That's called stalking, you know," I joked. "Noo..I was just..Learning," Rose now had a relaxed smile on her face. "Okay, so then. What have you learned?" I asked her amused. She told me everything that she learned about me. Normally this would freak me out, someone watching every little thing I do for 3 months. And entering my room every night to watch me sleep. But because it's Rose, and not just some random creepy person, I find it kind of cute.

After a 20 minute ride where I was quizzing Rose, we finally made it to my apartment. "Prepare to meet my mom Linda, and pretend to be an old friend or something," I said, getting out of the car. I put the passcode in and Rose followed me up the stairs. I was kind of hoping that mom (Linda) wasn't home. "Skye is that you?" I heard mom yell from the kitchen. Damn it. "Yeah,"

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