The first day

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Beep beep beep beep


You smash the button the alarm clock and sit up rubbing your eyes.

"I swear I will kill him if he doesn't stop shouting at me in the morning" you mumble sleepily.

You get out of bed and open the curtain to see the sun starting to peak over the horizon. You let out a yawn and go to your wardrobe with a small smile on your face as you take out your UA uniform. You put it on and style your hair then skip to the bathroom and brush your teeth.

When your finished you go downstairs for some breakfast and smile to see your mom Mitsuki and dad Masaru in the kitchen.

"Good morning mom and dad" you say with a smile.

"Good morning darling" you mom says with a smile as she is cooking.

"Good morning sweetie" your dad says as he peeks his head over his laptop.

"Where is the devil child?" You ask noticing the ash blonde isn't in the kitchen.

"Still getting ready I think?" Your mom says before taking a deep breath "KATSUKI GET DOWN HERE NOW!"

"IM COMING YOU OLD HAG!" you hear from down the hall.

Then low and behold the said boy comes round the corner with a face like a slapped ass then proceeds to sit at the island in the middle of the kitchen where you then take a seat next to him.

"Soo you excited about today?" You ask the male besides you.

"Tch I'm looking forward to crushing those extras who think they can get in my way" he grumbles then a hand smacks the back of his head "WHAT THE HEL?!"

"DONT BE SO RUDE" your mom shouts while placing food Infront of you both.

Katsuki grumbles to himself while he eats his food and you eat yours trying to not giggle at his misfortune.

You follow just behind Katsuki as you enter UA and stare up in awe as excitement bubbled in the pit of your stomach.

"Oi dumbass, you following?" Katsuki grumbled.

"Oh! Coming!" You say back not realising you had stopped.

You and Katsuki walked in and found the class pretty easily and when you walked in you saw a boy with a crowd head, one with multiple limbs, a boy with glasses and another boy with hair that was half red and half white. Your brother finds a seat by the window on the fourth row and you sit beside him on the third. You glance to see your brother do his typical putting his feet on the desk then notice glasses come over and start lecturing him about it while other students enter.

"My name is Tenya Iida from the Soumei-" he starts till your brother interrupts him.

"Soumei huh? Did your old school put a stick up your ass?" He says making you face palm.

"Katsuki..." You grumbled till you heared the door open and a smile grows on your face "Zuku!!"

You jump from your desk and run over engulfing the green haired boy in a huge hug which startles him to start with but then he returns.

"O-oh hi Y/N!" He says with a smile.

"You didn't tell me you got in?! I'm Soo happy! I knew you could do it!" You say with a smile.

Before he could respond you get interrupt by Iida quickly storming over to Izuku to introduce himself to him and a brown haired girl. You sigh and go back to your seat and let out a sigh then you hear a voice.

"If your here to make friends you can leave now" a tired voice says, you look up to see a man getting out a sleeping bag "it's taken you 8 seconds to stop talking. That won't do"

You stare at the man and try to keep calm as you see it's your favorite pro hero.

"My name is Aizawa Shouta and I will be your homeroom teacher" he says tiredly.

You glance to Izuku and see him with that small fanboy look. He glances at you and you both exchange a knowing look before looking back to the front where Mr Aizawa explains about a test. You all get up and grab your case containing your gym kit and walk to the changing rooms. You converse with a few girls as you change and attach a belt containing a knife and bandages to your waist.

"Hey, Y/N why do you have that?' a girl you now know as Mina asks which brings the attention of the other girls.

"Oh umm it's for my quirk" you respond starting to feel a bit nervous.

They nod but with a bit of confusion as you exit the changing room and head to the field with the rest of the class trying to swallow the nerves of knowing this test could make or break the relationship with your classmates.

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