"Little trip? And where is it that you're running off to?" Rose looked at me curiously. "Zach is showing me his favorite spot on the beach, he'll also be teaching me some things," I shrugged. "What things?" She glared at him. "Well, we can't keep her in the dark forever. And it might be easier to grasp if it comes from me," Zach explained. I saw Rose's jaw clench. "He's right Rose," Beth agreed. I could tell that Rose still didn't like the idea. Without thinking, I grabbed her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. She looked down at me, and her gaze softened. "Okay," she sighed.

"Skye, you wanna get dressed while I finish up our food? Then we can head out." Zach said, grabbing cooked breakfast sausage out of the microwave. "Yup, I'll be ready in a minute," I said, heading back to the spare bedroom. I don't have a choice but to wear the same shorts and red tank top from yesterday. As it's all I got at the moment. Maybe instead of having Rose take me shopping, I'll just convince her to bring me home to pack some things. Then I could lie to mom (Linda) and say that I'm spending time at a friend's house. I'll have to get my car so that the lie looks real, and not suspicious.

I got dressed and threw my hair up in a messy bun. "Okay, I'm ready."

"Perfect timing," Zach said, putting the food in a bag. "It's only a five minute walk from here," he said, opening the front door. "Have fun!" Beth shouted from the kitchen. "Zach if you hurt her-"

"I'm not gonna hurt her. I promise I'll return her to you unharmed," Zach said, closing the door on Rose. This caused me to laugh a little. We started walking to his favorite spot, wherever that may be.

After a minute or so of walking, I looked over at Zach and saw someone's initials tattooed on his neck, right below his jaw. "Whose initials do you have tattooed on your neck?" I asked. "Um..that's not a tattoo," he laughed. "Then what is it?"

"That's Beth's mark, her initials," he replied. Mark? Is that what Rose was hinting at earlier? Zach saw the confusion on my face. "People get marks like these when their mate marks them," he explained. I looked at him even more confused. "I'll explain more about markings later. First let's sit down and eat while we talk about mates," Zach said as he pointed to a picnic table. It was a nice secluded area. We were still on the beach, but also surrounded by palm trees. We sat down and started eating.

"So tell me, what are 'mates'," I started. "Okay so, your mate is your soulmate, but more. When us humans talk about soulmates, we're talking about many different people that were meant to be in our lives. Whether they are our best friends or our lovers. But in this world you have your soulmates, your best friends who were meant to be in your life, and then you have your mate, your one and only true love.."

Zach had explained it all to me. How your mate is the person you're destined to be with. How you know you've found your mate. He also explained the whole marking thing, and how it happens when your mate bites you during sex. Supposedly it doesn't hurt though, he said it actually made the sex better. It's exactly how it is in those damn wattpad stories. Am I really living in a wattpad story? "Well that was some lesson," I joked. "Like I said, we can't keep you in the dark forever so...This is what you get," he shrugged.

I remembered how the guys who kidnapped me said that I might be Rose's mate. Am I? I mean, why else would she want to protect me? I'm special, but not that special to the point where someone would want to protect me like she has. "So..do you think that..Rose is my mate?" I asked, finishing my food. "Oh yeah, you and Rose are mates. All those signs that I told you about, when someone finds their mate, you've been experiencing and feeling. I can tell that you have. And Beth told me that Rose knows that you are her mate, she just doesn't know how to bring it up to you. She's afraid that you won't believe her, or that she'll scare you off," he explained.

So I am her mate..and she's mine. I couldn't help but smile. All those cringy couple things I was thinking about earlier this morning, I really could have those moments with her. I get to spend the rest of my life with her. "Alright smiley, we should get going before your mate thinks I killed you or something," he joked. I tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ears, slightly embarrassed at how I was smiling. We cleaned up our mess and headed back to the beach house.


Author's Note: I hope you enjoy "My Rose". This is my second story, my first is called "Skye and her Alpha". All story characters are mine, and yes I use myself as one of the main characters as it is easier for me to write that way. I update every other day, and I already have chapters just waiting to be published. But I've decided to publish this chapter because it's Valentines Day :)

Please feel free to comment on anything good or bad, and make sure to vote! This lets me know if you are actually enjoying my story! Thank you!

My Roseजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें