Comfort - Chapter 11

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There it was—the first day of spring break with the Noceda's

Amity would usually be going to parties or meetings.  Not the fun kind of parties though, the type of parties that a parent would drag you to. At a party with rich adults and rich kids dancing and getting drunk, Odalia would always get her to try and hook up with some random rich guy so they could have "fortune" or whatever. Whenever Amity disagreed she would be grounded and sometimes even slapped. The slaps weren't bad though, Amity wouldn't even feel them due to her going numb to the hits over time.

On the other hand, Luz would usually be goofing off or causing random fights at the park. Luz never tried to get a job or anything, she used to have one, a good one at that. The caramel girl worked at a bar, you may be like "A bar? Isn't Luz 17?" it's true. The Noceda worked so well that she got a job at a bar, it was illegal sure, but she was good at it. She worked as a guitarist and was amazing. If she hadn't quit she would have more than six hundred dollars about now. Although Luz didn't care her little sister did which made her feel a little guilty for quitting.

And there they were, Luz and Amity. In the same bed sleeping. The night before the two watched movies and played Super Smash Bros. Even though it was Amity's first time playing video games she beat Luz about 3 times... on the other hand, Luz beat her about 12 times.

Amity POV

I ended up waking up around seven in the morning, Luz was sleeping, and her TV was still on. Oh my god... I slept with Luz. Well not in that way but you know it's still exciting. Wait what did I mean by that? I got up and turned the TV off then walked back to the bed and laid on the head of it. If I'm being honest Luz's room is very... Luz? It's cool I guess. I looked around a bit at the posters, CDs, and awards on her wall. Most of the awards were related to music things... does Luz play music too?

Noceda... Luz Noceda... Amity Blight... Would we be a good couple? I scooted over to Luz and laid my chin on her shoulder. Luz was muscular for sure, not only that but she was also very comforting. You'd expect a muscular person to be a quite stiff right? Luz was just soft on her skin. It was like hugging a golden retriever, fluffy on the outside but muscular a little on the inside. Jesus fuck me, I love this girl. I was still laying on her shoulder admiring her when the door opened. Wow Amity, how are you going to explain this one?

A short girl with yellow hair and blue tips was standing there. "LUCI-" they stopped and stared dead at me. Great, now she might think I'm a weirdo. "U-Um hey?" I whispered sitting up and backing into the head of the bed. "Okay If I'm interrupting something then I should probably-" I stopped them and yelled slightly "NO!" I quickly covered my mouth and stared at the younger kid. "H-How old are you?" I asked. Please don't be younger than 13. "I'm fourteen, wait shouldn't I be asking you why you're in my sister's room?" the girl looked at me with suspicion in her eyes. Thank god, I haven't creeped out a little kid. Oh, WAIT SISTER? I looked at the girl and my face reddened up. I was too embarrassed to say anything. I was about to open my mouth when Luz beat me to it. "Chill Vee, she's my friend" she smiled. "Y-Yeah, wait we're you up this whole time-" Vee cut me off and jumped on the bed to hug her sister.

"Woah candy corn, you've got a strong grip on you" Luz hugged back the girl. "Yeah, I've been practicing like you've told me to. I even beat up three people while you were away." she stood proudly. Luz's jaw dropped. "Don't become a war criminal in the making okay?" Luz rubbed her hair playfully and signaled her out of the room. Vee rolled her eyes and stuck her tongue out. "Don't be making too much noise in here with your little girlfriend okay!" Vee yelled and ran out of the room. My face got hot and I felt a lump in my throat. Luz was yelling at her sister as I heard Vee laughing off in the distance. "Sorry Ames" Luz sighed and rolled her eyes.

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