33 || puppy love

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puppy love
𝐜𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐨
chapter thirty three

└───── °∘∘♡∘∘° ─────┘

it had been two weeks since their kiss with valeri's birthday around the corner. she wasn't sure how to spend her 19th but usually 19th birthday's aren't a big deal. but given her new friends and life in LA she thought she should celebrate a birthday with them. 

the triplets convinced everyone to meet at a denny's at 2 am. everyone came from nick of course to sabrina, including georgia. they sat in a booth eating their pancakes, french toast and waffles, despite the debate on which was subjectively better. 

valeri and georgia haven't spoken much since the argument. at least not as a couple, as georgia mentioned. the night was silent but they texted on the side saying that georgia should go so it's not obvious that they're not 100% okay. they didn't break up but it felt as though they were on some sort of sick twisted break. 

on the contrary, between chris and valeri, it felt like some type of normal. it felt like the brief period where they weren't dating once they had met. "okay speaking of birthday cake pancakes, valeriiii, what are we doing for your day?" sabrina asked. 

"sorry georgia but you'll have to compete with nick and sabrina for whose giving her the better gift," nate joked. he managed to stay for weeks at a time that way he could stick around for valeri's birthday. georgia glared at valeri in a very  subtle way. 

"yea, we'll see," she answered quickly. "i'm gonna use the restroom, be right back," georgia was on the edge of the booth and left quickly. everyone eyed valeri.

"val, you should probably go check on her, right?" chris kicked her under the table to remind her that the others don't know about their problems.

"right, i probably should," she said awkwardly, before walking over to the women's room. "georgia?" she called out. georgia was found leaning over the sink and looking into the mirror. "sorry i took a second, but are you upset about what nate said?" she said trying to comfort her. she gave her a side hug. 

"you know he's just messing around because you're all important to me so it's like a little game," she reassured her. 

"valeri, it's not just nate. it's everyone," georgia sighed. "like..." she paused. 

"like what? we've been distant for ages and barely checking on each other, what's the matter?" valeri pleaded. "talk to me,"

georgia tilted her head back. "valeri, it's everything. we're only distant because you're not sure how much you actual like girls to show any attention to me when it comes to that stuff," she responded. 

"it's like you hesitate to even hug me,"

ok, ouch.

"what, you're saying i don't like girls enough to be with you?" she scoffed. "my boundaries are simple and that i'm not ready to be all touchy feely grabby pokey with a girl when i don't know my own limits. is that hard to understand?"

georgia realized the whole she dug herself. "val, it's not that. it's the fact that you're more comfortable with your ex who used you as a side piece than you'll ever be with you're own girlfriend," she stated. "i know about the little hug after you 'left your phone inside' and how he picked you up. you never texted me that you got home," she revealed.

"well for starters, i did leave my phone inside. two, am i not allowed to hug? three, so what if he picked me up? he's one of my best friends and no one else was available. and lastly, i didn't text you i got home because i got there late and didn't want to wake you. but i called you the next morning didn't i?" valeri stuck up for herself.

"valeri, whatever. but i'm just saying that i don't understand how you trust him and not me." 

"you don't understand because you're not in my position. and you've been out longer than i have so it's easier for you to want more in a relationship with a girl versus me whose never done this before," she snapped. georgia huffed, frustrated at their final straw in their relationship. 

she walked out of the restroom and over to the table. she grabbed her bag, put 20 dollars on the table. "georgia where are you-" 

"ask valeri, she has answers for everything,"


filler but looks like they're coincidentally over once she kissed chris... hmm....

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