17 || puppy love

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puppy love
𝐜𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐨
chapter seventeen

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chris had left her four calls, several texts and even dms in case she had blocked him. he didn't think going over there would really solve anything. "chris, stop moping," nick scolded. "i'm really not trying to say it but this is your fault, you know," 

"yea, i know," he said taking a sip of his pepsi. "and it sucks because i thought we were done but clearly she is if she still thinks you like her," he told him, annoyed. chris wasn't mad at nick, mainly mad at cynthia with no outlet to really give out to. he was the one he would blow up on. 

the doorbell rang and nick looked up at chris since he was closer to the door. chris didn't move. "i'll get it," he said annoyed at him. he went down the stairs to the front door and opened it. valeri stood in front of him with a soft smile. her eyes looked fine, nick expected them to look different. it looked as if she barely cried over it, which in his mind was good. 

"hey nick," she spoke. they had a small conversation about how each other was doing, but truthfully, they both knew what she were here for. valeri came into the living room seeing chris on the couch. he immediately straightened up and moved the blanket which was in 'her spot'. nick read the room and took his computer which he was editing on and went to matt's room. just barely, you could hear their conversation about how the two might be making up today. 

"hi," she said quietly. 

"hey," he said smiling. 

"look i-," she began. "i don't want to apologize because i didn't do anything but i'm sorry for not letting you speak and such it's just a lot to happen within the same time we started dating, i know it wasn't official until last week but still we've been... a thing... for like a month and a couple of weeks," 

"one month, two weeks," he corrected her. "don't apologize, you didn't do anything. you have a reason to be upset with me," valeri took a deep sigh. she motioned for him to continue and to actually explain what happened, why he still technically has a girlfriend, and more. 

"i went to her place at like eleven, like we planned. bunch of snacks and everything, her favorites. we've been dating for like a year or so at this point so i had a key and i went into her house," he broke eye contact and started bouncing his leg, thinking about that day. "i had already texted her that i was on my way but i still yelled hi or something with no answer to either. anyways, before i go upstairs i see a pair of guy shoes at her door. not mine, but i recognize the pair," 

"which means that not only did i have to prepare myself that my girlfriend is cheating on me but also that she's cheating on me with my best friend.

"so, i go upstairs and it's all quiet but once i open her bedroom door she's making out with him," his volume began to lower as he spoke and by the time he revealed who she was kissing, it was almost at a whisper. 

"chris, i know that really hurt you and stuff but if it hurt so bad why didn't you break up with her?" she asked. she realized the wording wasn't the best, but it was impulsive. "you know what i meant," 

"i didn't break up with her. i saw what was happening and they tried to explain or whatever but i just turned around and left then didn't speak to either of them for months. i told nick and matt we should go back home for a few months so we did," he explained. "we were there all summer until december,"

"and that's when you met me," chris nodded his head and finally looked at her again. 

"and that's where i met you," valeri got up, she still couldn't understand. she went to leave but turned around.

"so what was i to you?" she asked. "was i just the girl you dated while you ignored your girlfriend or was i the girl you used to get over your girlfriend?" she tilted her head waiting for the answer. "note how i didn't say ex girlfriend," chris delayed his answer so she scoffed and turned back around. he stammered and went after her as she opened the door. 

"you weren't a rebound if that's what you're asking," he finally answered, shutting the door with one hand, hovering over her slightly. he backed up after it closed and continued. "i wasn't doing great for a while after it happened and when i met you it felt like fresh air. not only did i have a friend who cared about me but i found a lot more. and i know i haven't really opened up to you about it and about a lot of things, but it's just a little hard now," he gulped. 

"i just felt like i was drowning and you threw me a life jacket," he said.

"thank you for telling me, but it's not enough," she revealed. "how do i know you're not gonna just leave me and get a new girl?" 

"if you're not ready for a relationship, just say that," she spat. 

chris had his mouth open, shocked. "i am ready for a relationship, are you?" he asked. 

"i don't know, ask your girlfriend," she said walking to her car. chris slammed the door behind her and stomped upstairs. matt and nick came running down to see the commotion. 

"what's going on, what happened?" matt asked. 

"she's still upset about it after i told her. saying that it's not enough but what am i supposed to do?" he spoke with anger and grief. not like grief from someone dying but grief as in a lost relationship. he had less hope in his voice. 

"a step in the right direction would to be to get closure with cynthia," matt answered. "like end it," 

"and either way, she still has a right to be mad. did she say specifically why it wasn't enough?" nick asked. he and matt felt torn that this was not only their brother but now a close friend. they even spent christmas and new years together, let alone hanging out every day for the past two months. 

"she asked how would she know if i wouldn't leave her and get a new girlfriend," he got a pepsi out the fridge and a bag of chips from the cupboard. "i literally made it worse by telling her. now she doesn't even trust me," he fell onto the couch and got his phone to look for a song to listen to. 

"it's fine, just break up with cynthia officially and talk to her again maybe," matt sat next to him on the couch and stroked his back followed by nick on the other side. 

"i don't know," chris whispered, putting his hands on his face. 

"don't know what?" nick exchanged a look with matt as chris was bent over with his head resting on his hands, elbows on his knees. 

"i just don't know," 


if you were valeri what song would you be blasting bc personally i would be blasting better off by ariana grande

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