25 || puppy love

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puppy love
𝐜𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐨
chapter twenty five

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valeri did feel shitty for a few days, ordering chipotle, panda express, and wingstop, but that didn't stop her from putting on a face. after the night she saw chris, sabrina had already planned for them to be incognito mode and try to do some healing so she could move on and not feel hurt. chris moving so fast did take a larger toll than she thought it would. 

she posted drafts, random photos she had never posted and when it was her posting day, she edited a backup video. it only went on for a week which really meant one back up video, a bunch of drafts and a few story posts on instagram.

aside from that, she remained in bed, then avoided in person contact with the other brothers but went out with sabrina and her other close friends. sabrina was very supportive through everything and of course they had a blast laughing about a few things with nate on the phone. he planned to come back soon but couldn't be soon enough.

soon, after a month of avoiding chris, matt and nick, she had finally gotten ready to go out with nick again. it was nothing personal of the other brothers, it was just a matter of avoiding the interaction between herself and chris if he so happened to be home, or worse, an interaction with cynthia. 

nick made plans with valeri to go thrifting then getting lunch after she accompanied him to trev's doctor's appointment. "sturniolo, trevor?" the receptionist called out. nick brought trev and valeri followed along. she was in a much better headspace after taking some time away from the main group to really enjoy her time with nick and eventually the others. she doesn't necessarily hate chris, but she's not fond of him right now and thinks to herself whenever it gets too much that she'll eventually it'll be okay.

"you okay?" nick asked her, seeing how deep in thought she was. 

"yea, i'm good. just worried for my baby," she cooed to the dog. nick didn't look satisfied by the answer and repeated himself. "really, i'm fine. i took a month to myself, took myself out of every situation that i would see him and kept contact with you and matt. our friendship is still fine and i didn't need to worry about that and i think i'm doing okay," she smiled.

"now can we please stop talking about it so we can drop him off, go get lunch and get some really good clothes?" she giggled.

"of course," he smiled back. valeri leaned on nick's shoulder as they waited but instead a girl walked in, around their age probably.

"hi, you guys must be trevor's 'parents' i guess?" she chuckled. "my mom's really tied up with this emergency," the girl spoke. "anyways, i basically grew up around all this and she said just to check if his stomach is still swollen so, is that okay?" the girl was nervous. she was basically doing her mom's job for her but in all fairness, her mom's job was only going to take a second.

"yea- um, no worries. but i have to ask like is this even legal?" nick asked, in all seriousness. valeri elbowed him for the rude question

"it is because on a technicality that i'm my mom's intern i'm allowed to do non invasive, non prescription things," she smiled. "you can just put trevy, right here," she patted on the patient bed and nick brought him on. the girl looked at his stomach, around the area of concerned and saw how it was still in his system but almost gone since it looked better than the reference photos.

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