Keith: that and because he's our friend.

Wayne: ......right, moving on Keith. I need the hard drive.

Keith: what hard drive?

Wayne: the hard drive that you collected with all the Intel you collected on your mission.

Keith: oh that hard drive.

Wayne: yes, you didn't lose it now did you?

Keith: pfff of course not, I keep it safe on my helmet.

Keith went to look for his helmet, but couldn't find it.

Wayne: ..... you lost it.

Keith: no!........ yes.

Wayne: Keith I swear to god I will burry you and take a piss on your grave.

Keith: wait I know you're angry but I have a back up plans for this.

Wayne: really now?

Mike: actually he does, since he's always misplacing things I planted a chip on his helmet.

Keith: correct, and now Mike can track the location of the helmet and find the hard drive.

Wayne: you better not screw this up Keith.

Keith: I won't.

Mike: well I'll head home early, first day starts tomorrow.

Wayne: alright then.

Itan, the morning of the first day.

Hitohito: -yawns- ( I knew it was a bad idea to stay up late the night before the first day.)

Hitohito and Shouko were already in their assigned seats, he was placed on the seat back and to the right of where Shouko's desk is located. In front of him another girl with long blonde hair wearing a lot of makeup.

Hitohito: ( I wonder how Mike's doing?)

Class 2-3.

Yamai was on her knees crying.

Yamai: noooooooooo why wasn't I the same class as Komi-sama!!!

Mike: great another year in the same class with this wacko.

Yamai: I heard that and it's not great for me either having you in the same class.

Mike: as long as you ease down on the craziness I'll tolerate you.

Yamai: you know that loser Tadano is not going to be here to protect you.

Mike: like I need protection, what are you gonna do stalk me to death?

Yamai: you-

Omoharu: good morning Mike.

Mike: oh Nakanaka-san, good morning.

Omoharu: -pouts- I told you to call me Omoharu.

Mike: (cute.) S-sorry Omoharu, good morning.

Omoharu: looks like we're in the same class, lucky me.

Yamai: hello? I'm not done talking to you!

Mike: so did you catch the latest episode of One Treasure?

Omoharu: yeah and it's just getting better.

Yamai: tch whatever.

She walked away leaving the two of them.

Back to class 2-1 the blonde girl was struggling to make friends, no one has approached her since class started. It was now the fifth period, she spent lunch alone.

My HeroTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang