"Nobody move or else I'll shoot her and chuck this off the building," he said as he held a gun to Rosé's head and the red file near the edge.

They all stopped in their tracks as they obliged to what the masked man said.

"What do you want from her?" HaRim yelled as he kept his hands up.

"Money of course. Heard this dumb deal is bringing in all the big dogs from across the globe and I know some people who would want to buy this deal for a fortune," the guy said.

"So I can just shoot this heiress' brains out and leave Minjoo sobbing over her death while I sell this bad boy,"

By now word had reached the other security personnel and they had already stormed up the roof top.

"Everyone hold your fire," the head guard said.

"Fine I'll give you the money you want just please don't hurt me.

"Sir you need to calm down," Jimin said as he walked closer to him.

"I said nobody move or else I'll shoot,"

Rosé looked to Jimin and he mimicked a bite. Rosé saw this and bit the man's hand hard causing him to push her away.
As she ran to Jimin, the man pulled the trigger.

Rosé waited for impact but it never came, she just heard someone collapsing.

The guards took the opportunity when the guy was distracted to grab him and secure the contract.

"HaRim! Are you okay?" Rosé said as she rushed to his limp body.

"He's losing too much blood we need to get an ambulance," Jimin said as he pressed down onto his wound.

The ambulance came and took HaRim to the hospital. The police came to collect statements from the witnesses as well as start he necessary investigations.
Mr Park and Mr Han had been informed about the incident and had left Chim and Rosé to talk with the cops.

"Hey don't worry he's gonna be fine," Jimin said.

"Chim? Why does stuff like this keep happening to me?" Rosé asked,"Why am I always targeted? Why do people want me dead? "

I wish I could tell you. I hate keeping you in the dark. How I wish I could tell you everything but I can't.

He walked to her and engulfed her in a hug.

"Hey its been a long day. Let's go home and help you clear up your mind,hmm how does that sound?" He asked.

"I don't want to go home, can I come over to your place?" She replied.

"OK let's go,"

The ride to Chim's place was silent as Rosé reflected on what had happened to her that day.
How was that man able to know about that contract? It was only me and dad who knew about it   Who sent him and why. Was HaRim going to be okay?

After an hour, they arrived.

"K why don't you freshen up and I'll order us some food. What would you like to have?" Chim asked as he took off his jacket.

"Anything will be fine," she said.

"Bathroom's down the hall. I'll get you some clothes to change into once you are done," he said as he disappeared into one of the rooms.

After dinner, they snuggled on the couch as they watched a movie.

"Thanks for coming on time Chim," Rose said as she stared into his beautiful Hazel eyes.
They stared at each other for what felt like an eternity.

Jimin broke eye contact and stared at Rosé's lips.

"Hey, when was the last time I kissed you?" Rosé asked.

"I do-"

Jimin's statement was short lived as Rosé plumped her lips onto his.
He took some time to react but he gently cupped her cheeks and pulled her closer.

The kiss was full of passion and desire. It was soft and gentle and smooth like honey.

He pulled her to sit on his lap and the kiss deepened. She trailed her arms to the back of his neck and he leaned back gently hit the back rest of the sofa.

Her hands playfully went to his soft and silky hair and his went down to her laps.


Secret Service HQ

The tech team of the secret service including Yeonjun worked in silence as they tried to create a virus to breakdown the firewall of the Han residence.

There was a fifty fifty chance that it would either work or fail but they didn't let the negative side affect them.
The new recruits (Ryujin,Eight and Yeonjun) had been filled in on the plan and they were ready to help.

After nine hours of non stop work, the computer virus was done.

"Monie I think we are done. It's time to send it. Let's just hope this works," Suga said.

All the available agents met in the tech room to watch the team launch the bug.

"OK guys let's just hope this doesn't fail. On three we all press send and-"

"Wait on three or after three?" Yeonjun interrupted.

"On three," Jisoo answered.

"K, one, two, three,"

They all pushed their buttons and waited.

"Eunwoo, Ryujin, Eight check the radars. We only have two minutes to find the place and shut down our system," Suga said.

The three hackers searched the map for the signal but it was all in vain.

"Guys hurry we are running out of time," Monie said.

They kept on searching until Kookie found it.

"It's right there," Kookie pointed out.

"OK. We've got it, Jisoo and Sana send the last virus," Suga commanded.

"Yeonjun make sure you shut down all the computers as soon as the virus sending is complete,"


"Yeonjun now,"

"10 seconds to total motherboard shutdown," the computer voice said.

"9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 total shut down of motherboard complete,"

Silence engulfed the tech room as they didn't know if they had shutdown on time.

"Check if we left no traces,"Monie said.
The tech team checked and indeed there were no traces left.

"System rebooting," the automatic  voice said and everyone cheered.

"You guys did it," Sana cheered.

"No,we did it," Suga said.

"Now let's find Ms Moon,"Monie said.

"And Kitty," V yelled in the back.

"You know what? I underestimated you Yeonjun. You really know your stuff, good job boy," Monie said.

"Weeell does that mean I've been recruited to join the service?" He asked.

"Hmm that will depend on how you behave then we might look into it," Monie replied.

The members sat back and relaxed and chatted amongst themselves until Suga called out.

"Guys you need to see this,"

Everyone went back to the tech room and what they saw left them shocked.


Next update in

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