A Letter For QG

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Before I left the underground I had to pay a visit to my aunt. She lives alone and runs a tavern in the neighborhood.

A lot of people in her neighborhood knew her very well many know her as QG.

After pulling up the bike a kid came running to me seeking my help.

After pulling up the bike a kid came running to me seeking my help

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"SIR, Tweezy is in trouble again!" said the kid.

"Show me."

I followed the kid to some back alleyway and saw two teenagers taking turns beating up Tweezy.

I followed the kid to some back alleyway and saw two teenagers taking turns beating up Tweezy

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Tweezy was trying to fight back in his poor beat-up state. He was all bruised and bleeding out from his face, he could barely even stand.

"Come on I take both of you, shitheads, down," said Tweezy while wheezing trying to control his breathing.

"This kid doesn't give up sheesh," said one of the teenagers with a scar on his left eye.

"This kid doesn't give up sheesh," said one of the teenagers with a scar on his left eye

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"Maybe we should put an end to this," said the teenager with a face mask and jacket on.

"Maybe we should put an end to this," said the teenager with a face mask and jacket on

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He pulled out a knife"Get ready, kid, time to meet your disgusting kind in hell."

He was about to stab him but I stepped out of my spot and shot the knife off his hand.

"You know beating up a kid isn't a noble thing to do"

They looked at me and stepped back frightened due to my presence.

"It's so pathetic beating up someone who is 10 times weaker than you, don't you even have any shame to even bother killing someone who is out of your league let alone defenseless."

I walked to them

"Look, man, I'm sorry he started it" said the one with a scar.

I looked at Tweezy and faced them again"It looks like you two numbskulls did something to piss him off."

Tweezy stood up and stood next to me
"I and Kenny were minding our own business as usual then these guys started looking at me all weird and judgmental and began making fun of me and my family all because of my race and couldn't stop insulting them in front of my face," said Tweezy wiping the blood off his face.

Tweezy stood up and stood next to me "I and Kenny were minding our own business as usual then these guys started looking at me all weird and judgmental and began making fun of me and my family all because of my race and couldn't stop insulting the...

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I pointed my gun at them all pissed off"Not only your delinquent ass holes your racists as fuck."

They began to beg me to not kill them.
"Let this be the last time I catch you fools doing any shit like this again, now get out of my sight I can't even care to look at you."

They ran away and never looked back.

"I could've taken them down ya know that," said Tweezy

"I taught you better than that kid what were you thinking? All you had to do was just walk away to avoid all this shit what if you could've died today?"

"I'm sorry I shouldn't stand up for myself if people like them act like shit bags towards me."

Tweezy was frustrated and angry that he couldn't take them down alone.

"After I'm back from work me and you will have a long discussion about this shit you got yourself into for God's sake I haven't even taught you how to fight with your damn hands."

He pouted "You looked like you had a stroke or something damn you're just horrible at throwing a simple punch sheesh."

He chuckled"Now give this letter to QG for me I have to go to work right now"

I gave him the letter and left. I was at the exit ready to leave the underground. The gatekeeper was always such a womanizer and barely focused on his job.

 The gatekeeper was always such a womanizer and barely focused on his job

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"Hey, Levian how's my main man going?" said the gatekeeper

"The only time you're this nice to me is if you need something from me, Frenchie"

"Ah you got me, I totally hate your guts man"

He was always jealous of me and my accomplishments but mostly because the ladies his desperately trying to impress would end up falling for me and not him.

"I hope you die today buddy." he opened the gate.

"I hope you move out of your mother's basement today."

The girls he was hanging out with laughed at him and left him.

"argh such a loser."

"FUCK YOU, MAN!" said Frenchie furiously yelling at me as I drove off laughing at him

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"FUCK YOU, MAN!" said Frenchie furiously yelling at me as I drove off laughing at him.

It was time to head up to the wasteland and be over and done with, with this mission.

To be continued

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