One Hundred Fifteen

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The class' energy was weird, a different kind of weird once they returned to their classroom. The students who had passed both of their exams had a positive, almost upbeat kind of energy emanating from them, while those who failed the normal exams or the practical felt like they were sucking all of the air out of the school. By they, Weiss meant Mina, Kaminari, Kirishima and Sato just to name a few of them. It was understandable, since the majority of the class passed their exams. The biggest upset was Midoriya and the dog somehow passing their exam, against All Might of all people!

"Everyone…" Mina spoke in between sobs as Weiss patted her shoulder. "I'm looking forward to hearing your stories…about training camp."

Weiss remained silent, just in case she blurted out something that would be insensitive and only make things worse.

"W-We don't know for sure yet! There might be a twist." Midoriya said with a slight stutter. Weiss was about to shoot him a sharp glare for offering up false hope, when Sero stepped in. The Tape boy had fallen asleep thanks to Midnight's quirk, which resulted in his team's victory being carried by Mineta.

"Stop it Midoriya, if you say it out loud, you'll probably jinx it." Sero said, placing a hand on the green boy's shoulder. Weiss bit the inside of her cheek to stop herself from saying anything that would draw Midoriya's attention to herself. She didn't have the time to deal with such an annoyance.

His eyes still reminded her of Ruby.

"If we failed the exams, then we'd have to skip the training camp and be stuck in the hell that's summer school." Kaminari started to monologue. "And since we didn't pass the practical exam…"

Kaminari started to shout. "If you guys still don't get it you're dumber than monkeys!" He poked Midoriya in the eyes.

"Shut it, you oversize battery on legs." Weiss sighed. While she did dislike Midoriya, she had to admit that he was a rather studious person, and he had improved rather quickly, even if copying her moves left a bad taste in Weiss' mouth. "You should've spent more time studying instead of staring at Kyo-"

Kaminari quickly covered her mouth with her hand, earning himself a glare that made him shiver back in fear. He was lucky her bassist friend was near the back of the crowd of students.

"Anyways, we don't know how they're going to be scoring the exams so-" Sero spoke up again, becoming Kaminari's target in place of Midoriya.

"So if you feel bad for us, then uh, bring us back a lot of stuff!" Kaminari shouted once more, when the door to their classroom opened, revealing Mr. Aizawa.

Everybody was seated not even a second later.

"Morning." Mr. Aizawa seemed happier than usual, which was weird. "Unfortunately there are some of you that failed to pass the exams."

The class deflated at that.

"Accordingly, for the training camp in the woods…" Mr. Aizawa said slowly, most likely trying to savor the pain and tears of Weiss' classmates, before forming a grin that looked unnatural on him. "...everyone's going!"

"Can we go too?!" Kirishima slammed his hands on the desk. Weiss simply leaned back in her seat, this last minute twist must have some conditions.

"Really!" Mina cheered, throwing her arms in the air.

"Yeah." Mr. Aizawa's bored look returned. "Some of you failed the practical, but no one failed the written exam. In the practical portion, Kirishima, Kaminari, Ashido, Sato and Sero failed."

That much was obvious just by watching the matches. Sero falling asleep early on in his exam probably didn't do him any favors.

"For this exam, the teachers made sure to leave a way for the students to win, while watching how you all would take on each task." Mr. Aizawa stuffed his hands in his pockets and yawned. "If we hadn't most of you would've failed before you even started."

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